Featured Guest: Judy Goodman, CPC, CSRC, CRC, Speaker, Professional Coach and Award-Winning Author of Journey… The Quest of the Soul, Shares Her Global Work.

by staff writer Victoria Davis

Judy Goodman is an award-winning author, highly recognized motivational speaker, devoted mother, beloved grandmother and, as others put it, a “teacher of teachers.” For many years, she was immersed in the high-profile public work-force, even being involved in negotiations between Russia and The United States regarding an aircraft of the future. But over 35 years ago, Goodman decided to devote her time entirely to what she says was “always my destiny”— guiding people along both the physical and metaphysical journey of life. 

“I was born walking in two different worlds,” said Goodman, who is internationally recognized for being a certified professional coach helping clients of all backgrounds and ages, find healing from addiction and trauma. “I knew I was different, I just didn’t know how far that was going to take me.”

Goodman is a trained hypnotherapist and her work, as a teacher and counselor, has taken her all over the United States, Canada, Mexico, The Bahamas, Puerto Rico, Europe, Egypt, and Peru, and has given her the chance to meet with many public figures and celebrities. One of the achievements she is very proud of is her audio book, ‘Journey…The Quest of the Soul,’ which has been downloaded in twenty-three countries.  Goodman was a bit ahead of her time when she decided to make the book ‘audio,’ and subsequently re-mastered it into a digital format, allowing it to be downloaded all over the world.

 “It’s a book about life’s questions,” said Goodman, “a place that answers those thoughts you might not know how to ask.”  

Journey tackles seemingly out-of-reach subjects like the afterlife, the existence of angels and other realms, and the interpretation of dreams. True to her notable workshop and teaching ability, Goodman’s audio book is over four hours of unscripted answers. After the earlier overwhelming acceptance of the audio book, Goodman recently re-released her work on iTunes, CDBaby and Amazon. Journey was also the recipient of the Pinnacle Book Achievement Award. Readers have reviewed her work as “Life changing,” “Moved to tears,” and “Beyond conventional wisdom.”

Having served as a Kaiser Institute faculty member, working with professional individuals to develop their intuitive abilities, as well as being a founding board member of The HeartLight Center in Denver, a center for grief support and education, Goodman has had the chance to interact with a variety of clients, from all over the world. She adds that Journey isn’t saturated in case studies or recorded philosophy, rather it is founded on her own understanding, experiences and the knowledge she was born with.

“I’m much more spiritual than I am religious,” said Goodman. “This book embraces most religions because I believe there’s a bit of truth in almost every religious doctrine. We all believe in something; my job isn’t to change people’s belief system, it’s to encourage them to ask questions. The gift I receive from my work is that I have learned something from every person that has crossed my path.”

Goodman has long been recognized for her motivational quotes and is currently completing a book of her original work, written over the last 35 years. The title of her soon to be released work is “Changing Your Reality.” The book is full of pictures, many of which were taken by the author herself.  Each motivational statement written by Goodman will also feature additional thoughts of how it might be applied to the reader’s life.  At this time Goodman anticipates a release in mid-to-late, 2019.

“This will be one of those things you’re going to keep on your bedside table or on your coffee table,” said Goodman. “It’s one of those books you can pick up and find a saying that will help you pretty much any day of the year.” 

 Goodman states that the industry has taught her a great deal about releasing her work, and plans to release a digital version, along with a print on demand copy. She adds, “When I write, the words just flow, and it’s almost sequential. It isn’t about being that smart, I think it’s just because I’m doing the right thing in my life.”

Judy Goodman, CPC, CSRC, CRC, Working and Teaching Beyond Conventional Wisdom! Trained in Hypnosis, Certified Professional Coach, Relationship Counselor, Addiction Recovery Coach, Grief Support and, an internationally recognized intuitive.

You can access links to Journey and download Goodman’s self-help workbooks on her website www.JudyGoodman.com

A Journey Within with Louanne Ludwig
Monday, October 22nd at 8pm ET/5pm PT

Louanne Ludwig has spent the last several years perfecting her empathic gifts and implementing the tools she has written about on the pages of  A Journey Within. She gives new meaning to the messages she puts forth by having experienced their learning in such profound and personal ways. www.louanneludwig.com

New Beginnings

As we start the new year, everything is about new beginnings. We often reflect on the upcoming year with anticipation, citing our intentions for the road ahead. How is it possible to show up in the world in a bigger way?
How can I make a greater impact in my community and lives of others? What are some of the ways that I can improve myself? These are some of the questions that come to mind as I look for new ways to move beyond the comfortable boundaries that my life continually encompasses me with.
“How can you know what you’re capable of if you don’t embrace the unknown?” – Esmeralda Santiago
What I’ve learned over the years, is when there is the willingness to be remain open to new ideas and opportunities, the magic of life tends to unfold in ways that we could have never predicted. I’ve discovered that by following my passion, being in gratitude and having faith in both myself and a Higher Source, miracles take place daily. My desire for you is that this New Year brings about all that your heart desires. Thank you for being a part of this great journey with me.
Make Every Moment Count!

Open Heart


One of the most difficult things to master is interpersonal relationships. We meet people from all walks of life that have experiences, challenges, wounds and wisdom that offers a different perspective from our own understanding. So often the stories that we create, our misperceptions and unclear communications can foster misunderstandings where none really exist. Recently I was reminded of this, and the lessons that I took away were priceless.

What I found was that when we are willing to open our hearts, it doesn’t just open us up to potential pain or heartache. For those that have the courage to look deeper, it gives us the opportunity for tremendous growth and freedom. This growth and freedom comes from being able to looking past our pains to the bigger picture for all involved. 

Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle – Plato

When we authentically show up in the world as a living example of our values and morals (without expectations or intentions of others to show up the same), we are in a place of personal power that no one can shake. This allows us to see how others truly are and interact based not in judgement of their pains, but with compassion for them.

How often is it in our day that we gracefully and kindly express what it is that we want in life? Are we honest in how we show up in the world and how we treat others? Are we being true to ourselves and what it is that we stand for? Not sharing common values, doesn’t make the other person bad, it makes them human.

When we are willing not to take things personally and step back far enough to see the perspectives of others, the lesson we take away is that we are all learning, growing and evolving in our own unique way.

I’ve been working with my mentor Judy Goodman to gain a greater understanding on this discussion. To read Judy’s recent newsletter that expands on this topic visit: http://www.judygoodman.com/Newsletter.htm and you’ll understand why many people describe Judy’s insights as beyond conventional wisdom.

Make Every Moment Count!


How Our Perception Changes Our World


With so much going on in the world, how we choose to perceive things seems to be more important than ever.  While putting on rose-colored glasses isn’t something that I would suggest, choosing to change our perception of the challenges we face gives us the opportunity not only to shift how we show up in the world, but also allows us the opportunity to view the outer world and our inner world with more compassionate and grace.  This discussion often has me thinking about this quote from the Dalai Lama:

We can never obtain peace in the outer world until we make peace with ourselves.

If we’re having a difficult time liking ourselves, how can we like those around us?  If we allow ourselves to fall into judgement or criticize those that are different, how can we love the uniqueness that we alone bring to the world?

The journey of developing and maintaining inner peace  traverses a road with no end, yet the journey itself offers new vistas, plateaus and valleys of who we really are. Thus granting us a deeper awareness and understanding that we truly are one, regardless of our outer world and differences.
Wishing you much peace, grace and love.

Make Every Moment Count!


A Short Path to Change with Jenny Mannion

JennyMannion-300dpiA Short Path to Change is really about a journey about tapping into yourself, knowing that you are more and that change doesn’t have to be as hard as we make it or take a long time to see results.  The book is broken down into four sections, including 30 practical exercises.  Each individual chapter offers an exercise that will help you connect to your soul, transform and create your life by tapping into that deeper part of you by practicing kindness, patience, self-love, and forgiveness.

Section 1)  Getting Rid of the Old Stuff – Chapters include: Forgiveness/Self-Forgiveness and Fears and Worry.

Section 2)  Learning about the Chakra System to Balance Your Energy Body –  My goal was to explain each chakra and the system as a whole as simply as possible so anyone that reads this can learn to use the chakras and their own inner diagnostic system. There is an Introductory Unit and a Chapter to help you understand each Chakra.

Section 3)  The Present Moment – Seven Exercises to connect to the present moment including  Chapters on Self-Love and Energy Healing.

Section 4)  New Ways of Thought – This Unit addresses the challenges that might come up and ways to keep moving forward on your path to change. It includes chapters and exercises on Self-Sabotage and Intention Setting.

Jenny Mannion graduated from Penn State University with a BA in psychology and was always interested in how the mind worked and in helping others. She began her own transformation through healing herself of several chronic diseases in three weeks. Since healing, Jenny has become an alternative healing practitioner, mind/body mentor and inspires people to connect with their inner power to create the life they desire. 

Jenny has witnessed clients in her own practice heal from depression, cancer, MS and many other chronic diseases and come out not only healthy but creating a life they never dreamed of. It is Jenny’s passion to help others tap into their own inner powers to transform their lives as she shares in the book she authored called, “A Short Path to Change: 30 Ways to Transform Your Life.” Jenny now conducts workshops and is a contributing blogger for The Huffington Post. She is originally from New York City and now lives in upstate New York with her two children.

A Short Path to Change: 30 Ways to Transform Your Life

Premonitions of Death Saved This Woman’s Life

19418e2e-130a-4de8-8033-7732cbab415dAfter months of premonitions, Stephanie suffered an amniotic fluid embolism (AFE) in May 2013, seconds after her second child, Jacob, was born. She was clinically dead for 37 seconds. It was the actions of one doctor taking heed of Stephanie’s concerns that saved her life!

Several months prior to suffering the AFE, she was diagnosed with a complete placenta previa, which can cause serious complications during delivery.  Following this discovery, Stephanie experienced overwhelming premonitions of doom.  She told many people about her anxiety and her premonitions (not making it through the delivery, the baby being fine, her need for a hysterectomy, a rare occurrence of a potential marriage between the placenta and the uterus, among others), including her doctors in New York and Chicago, but was not taken seriously. Tune in to learn more and visit Stephanie’s website to purchase her book!

37 Seconds with Stephanie Arnold
Friday, April 15th at 5am & 5pm EDT & Thursday, April 23rd at 5am & 5pm EDT

You can listen to the show by click here at 5am & 5pm EST! http://rdo.to/DREAM7

You can visit Stephanie’s website at:  http://stephaniearnold.net


Moving Into New Beginnings


Spring is in the air and every thing is moving into a new beginning!  So how can we move into a new beginning in our own lives?  It’s simple to do the normal spring cleaning in our home, car and office, but sometimes the most difficult changes could be doing a little spring cleaning in our personal lives.  Much of this can be done by how we choose to see the world and how we choose to interact with others.  This quote from Judy Goodman is a great reminder of the power that each of us possess in determining what type of experience we will have.

“Every day is a new beginning.  Plan ahead for for what you would like that beginning to look like.  Remember that every thing is about the choices we make!” – Judy Goodman

Waking up and choosing to have a good day, not taking things personally, being kind with your words (including towards yourself!) and taking the initiative to reach out to others in kindness is a great start!

Join me in planning ahead  by choosing not to complain for the next 30 days.  By watching our words, it will help shift our experience into a positive one, regardless what his happening around us. Let’s move our focus towards what we are grateful for in our lives.  Making this shift in perspective will change your life!  

3 Tips to Get Over Valentine’s Day Blues


Are you stuck in your PJs feeling like the month of February should be stricken from the calendar? With Valentine’s Day over, you now find yourself in either one of two categories; You feel elated that there was finally some much needed, romantic down time with your special someone, or are you feeling a bit blue because Valentine’s Day is just another reminder that you’re single and your “romantic dance card” looks more like the cast of Pride and Prejudice and Zombies.

If you find yourself in the later category, then these 3 simple tips will have you refocusing and finding love in your everyday life!

1) Let go of what love should look like and stand in appreciation of all the love that is currently in your life. This can be love from your family, friends, pets, strangers showing you “love” by opening doors or something as simple as a smile. You will not only become a happier person (who doesn’t want to be that!) but you will attract more loving relationships into your life. What a win-win situation and joy to be in!

2) Fix yourself up for YOU! Regardless where you are going during the day, headed out to get gas or pick up some groceries, tidy up your hair, makeup and clothing. The more you have pride in how you look the more confident you will become.  We all have different body types so don’t’ compare, love that uniqueness that is yours alone. The greatest love story of your life should be falling in love with yourself and the beautiful person that you are. Everything after that is just icing on the cake!

3) Give it away! If you are looking for love in your life and there isn’t any to be found, give it away.  Look to see what local charity you can be involved with, visit a nursing home spending time with some of the residents or help a neighbor with their groceries. When you give love away, it comes back to you!

Practicing these three steps will change how you view the world around you.  There is a happy life waiting for you, all you have to do is shift perspectives and show up.

Life in Life: Live Longer, Strengthen Your Relationships, and Create a Healthier Life by Dr. Laurie Ann Levin

laurieannIlluminate your spirit. Cherish your well-being. Become a source of positivity in the world. Find your life in life.

For centuries, experts have extolled the virtues of meditation, and countless people have used it to become happier, live longer, strengthen relationships, and create healthier lives. Studies show that just a few moments of meditation each day can be extremely beneficial to overall well-being.

In Life in Life, Dr. Laurie Ann Levin, award-winning author and renowned holistic psychologist, guides you effortlessly into loving yourself through meditations that spark connection to your highest self. An interactive, easy-to-use, personal journal, Life in Life will inspire individual exploration and spiritual expansion with exercises that build insight, intuition, and a capacity for calm.

Almost all of us struggle with destructive thinking and toxic self-criticism. Life in Life can help you overcome past traumas in your career, relationships, health, and love. Whether you are beginning your journey or have experience meditating, Life in Life will elevate you to a new level of wholeness. The exercises in this journal can be done anywhere, anytime, in private, with a partner, or in a group.

Let Life in Life  guide you on your daily journey toward well-being as you learn to love . . . both yourself and others at the same time.

Click here to order your copy today!

Ancient Secrets of Manifesting Revealed – How to Unlock Your Highest Potential with Ken Elliott


Have you ever had the sense that your thoughts might actually be doing something?

Imagine you are a genie and everything you wish begins to form up right in front of you. First is your thought and thought creates form. The next steps to creating the life that you want is as simple as 123! Make sure to tune in to this soul inspiring conversation with award winning author, Ken Elliott. From Ken Elliott’s personal experiences, you will learn exactly how your thoughts take form on the Other Side and how to put them to work for you.

Bio: Ken Elliott is an award winning artist & author who has been on showcased on media all over the world. Ken has learned how to manifest items both big and small, first creating his desires on the Other Side and watching those thoughts take from in our physical world. Ken is living a life that many call “magical and miraculous.”

Over the last 20+ years Ken has been teaching others these simple techniques so they can create the life that they desire. www.Manifesting123.com

Moments With Marianne is heard on Dreamvisions 7 Radio Network every Thursday & Friday at 5pm & 5amEST and every 2nd Sunday at 8pmEST when Dreamvisions 7 Radio Network is live at 1510am WMEX Boston, with over 1 Million listeners in over 135 countries.

To listen to the LIVE show on Sunday, November 8th at 6PM MST/8PM EST visit this link: http://tinyurl.com/lnqx5bx

What Your Words Are Saying Workshop with Judy Goodman in Atlanta, Georgia


This is exciting news for those attending Judy’s November 7th. class in Atlanta, GA. Each paid attendee will receive a FREE download certificate for Judy’s award winning audio book “Journey…The Quest of the Soul.” Over four hours of profound answers to questions about the workings of the physical and spirit worlds. Since the audio book was released June 30th, it has found a home in 8 countries. Judy’s special gift to you, something that will further assist you in your own journey.


“…This is not a light or casual conversation, but one of great depth and scope. Lives have been changed here, some are moved to tears…”

“…With humility, clarity, and sincere respect for her listeners, Judy Goodman offers compelling answers for many of the mysteries perplexing all of us about life, death, relationships, religion, spirituality and God…”

“Once in a lifetime, a book comes along that changes everything. The wisdom contained within this book is thought provoking, life changing and insightful, which resonated at my core. Many times I paused the recording and cried, hearing the confirmations and truths that this book held for me. It left me with a greater sense of peace, clarity and understanding, which has profoundly impacted the way I view life, death and the Afterlife.”

For more information or to register visit:

Showing up in a Big Way!

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The last few months has been one astonishing moment after another. I can’t begin to express my deepest gratitude for all the wonderful events, opportunities and people that have come into my life. One such moment is the start of my weekly radio show airing on Moments with Marianne at Dreamvisions 7 Radio Network and every second Sunday on WMEX 1510AM Boston!

It’s interesting that this opportunity showed up when it did. My inner journey over the last few months has me reflecting on how I could show up in a bigger way and how I could make a greater impact. Almost instantly, the path opened up before me.

Judy Goodman told me some time back “when you are on your path, life gets simpler and everything falls into place.” How true that has become over the last few years. The struggle is gone and a greater sense of peace is what rules my world now. This is not to say that everything is always easy for me, I still have the same challenges that everyone else does. Yet my inner peace is at an all time high, along with an strong conviction of who it is that I am and what I have to offer. When we stand in this knowing, these moments not only define who we are to a greater degree, but also gives us the opportunity to shine our light in the world.

Make Every Moment Count!
