Your Turning Point with Lisa Winston
Monday, January 28th at 8pm ET/5pm PT

Lisa Winston is an intuitive and healer.  Having gone through numerous challenges, including losing her home to wildfire and breast cancer, she also teaches how those challenges are sent to refine, not define you.  She has produced many global summits with top influencers, has been featured on national radio and podcasts.  Lisa co-hosts “The Mindset Reset TV Show,” seen daily by 60 million viewers worldwide.  Her mission is to support people in connecting to their inner guidance and love so they can shine more brightly in the world

The Mosaic with Daniel Bruce Levin
Sunday, January 27th at 8pm ET/5pm PT

Daniel Bruce Levin walked away from an opportunity to run a business that was a household name in order to hitchhike around the world to find happiness and inner peace.  The people he met along his journey remind him a lot of the characters in The Mosaic.  For most of his life, Levin felt different.  He saw things others did not see and thought in ways that were unlike the ways of his peers.  It made him feel alone and isolated, and though he knew how to play the game and interact with others well, he never felt he was the same as them.  This all changed when he started to work with leaders seeking innovation.  Suddenly, it was his ability to see differently that made him a sought-after commodity.

Unhitched with Sunny Joy McMillan
Thursday, January 24th at 8pm ET/5pm PT

Sunny Joy McMillan is a recovering attorney and a practicing master life coach who hosts “Sunny in Seattle,” a weekly radio show that airs on Fridays from 9-10am Pacific on Alternative Talk 1150AM KKNW. She also is the author of the Amazon bestseller “Unhitched: Unlock Your Courage and Clarity to Unstick Your Bad Marriage.” She is passionate about empowering women to make relationship choices based on their heart and spirit. 

How To Get To Heaven (Without Really Dying) by Robert Kopecky

In Robert Kopecky‘s latest book, How To Get To Heaven (Without Really Dying), which was just released through Llewellyn (March 2018), the reader is given a clear, and easy to understanding account of what it’s like to have a Near Death Experience (NDE) and how we can transform our lives.

It’s often reported by those who have gone through an NDE, that they have a clear awareness of being in on the other side. When they return, many of the experiencers report a deep and profound connection with everything, and a sense of enlightenment that expands within their lives.  Near Death Experiencers also have reported an overwhelming sense of love, both in feeling loved and a deep love for everyone and everything around them. It’s as if they see their life, their purpose and connection to the Divine with new eyes.  But do we all have to go through trauma of a NDE to experience such nirvana?

Having gone through three NDEs himself, Kopecky outlines his experiences and lessons that each encounter has brought.  With these insights, Kopecky shares how to create “Heaven on Earth” without having to go through the trauma of experiencing an NDE.

“Once we begin to recognize the real magic around us and experience a little bit of Heaven for ourselves…  we might take up permanent residency there.” – Robert Kopecky

Kopecky’s book beautifully outlines how to creating paradise in our lives is not only possible, but something we all can strive for. With simple to use techniques and tools, How To Get To Heaven (Without Really Dying) is a must read for anyone looking to obtain the enlightenment experience.

My recommendation for How To Get To Heaven (Without Really Dying), is located on the back cover.  Make sure to pick up your copy today and create the magic you’ve been missing.


Open Heart


One of the most difficult things to master is interpersonal relationships. We meet people from all walks of life that have experiences, challenges, wounds and wisdom that offers a different perspective from our own understanding. So often the stories that we create, our misperceptions and unclear communications can foster misunderstandings where none really exist. Recently I was reminded of this, and the lessons that I took away were priceless.

What I found was that when we are willing to open our hearts, it doesn’t just open us up to potential pain or heartache. For those that have the courage to look deeper, it gives us the opportunity for tremendous growth and freedom. This growth and freedom comes from being able to looking past our pains to the bigger picture for all involved. 

Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle – Plato

When we authentically show up in the world as a living example of our values and morals (without expectations or intentions of others to show up the same), we are in a place of personal power that no one can shake. This allows us to see how others truly are and interact based not in judgement of their pains, but with compassion for them.

How often is it in our day that we gracefully and kindly express what it is that we want in life? Are we honest in how we show up in the world and how we treat others? Are we being true to ourselves and what it is that we stand for? Not sharing common values, doesn’t make the other person bad, it makes them human.

When we are willing not to take things personally and step back far enough to see the perspectives of others, the lesson we take away is that we are all learning, growing and evolving in our own unique way.

I’ve been working with my mentor Judy Goodman to gain a greater understanding on this discussion. To read Judy’s recent newsletter that expands on this topic visit: and you’ll understand why many people describe Judy’s insights as beyond conventional wisdom.

Make Every Moment Count!
