As the month of February begins, many of us are drawn to thoughts of Valentine’s Day, where it’s expected that we should shower our special loved one with token devotions of our love. But what if your relationship isn’t all that great or you’re single and starting to feel a little down because another Valentine’s Day is on the horizon without a viable romantic interest in sight?
Have you every looked around to see the love that already surrounds you on a daily basis? The type of Love I’m talking about isn’t romantic by any means, but the outpouring of caring and compassion towards others.
I wake up everyday, deeply grateful for all of the amazing, and wonderful people in my life and the love they bless me with. I have learned that if we let go of what love should look like and stand in appreciation of the love that is currently in our lives, not only are we happier people (who doesn’t want to be that!) but we will attract more loving relationships into our lives.
I recently had the pleasure of interviewing Alan Cohen, and one of his quotes speaks so eloquently to this. “You can only see in someone else what you see in yourself”. How can I be a good boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, wife, neighbor, friend or member of my community and love others if I have yet to fall in love with who it is that I am?
As my mentor Judy Goodman said in her latest newsletter, “Whatever is lacking in your own life, give it away to another person”. If you are not feeling loved, have you been loving towards your friends and family. How about a stranger? A simple smile, opening the door for someone, offering to help at a local soup kitchen or letting someone get in the lane in front of you can be a simple, yet profound gesture of love.
This month I am encouraging all of my friends (and this includes you!) to find love in your everyday journey.