Let Them Thrive with Katie Novak
Sunday, July 1st at 8pm ET/5pm PT

Katie Novak, Ed.D. is an internationally renowned education consultant as well as a practicing leader in education as an Assistant Superintendent of Schools at the Groton-Dunstable Regional School District in Massachusetts. With 15 years of experience in teaching and administration, an earned doctorate in curriculum and teaching, and 4 books published by CAST Professional Publishing, Katie designs and presents workshops both nationally and internationally focusing on implementation of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and universally designed leadership.  http://katienovakudl.com

The Newcomers with Helen Thorpe
Thursday, January 4th at 8pm ET/5pm PT

Helen Thorpe is an award-winning journalist who lives in Denver, Colorado. She has been a staff writer for the New York Observer, The New Yorker, and Texas Monthly. She has also written freelance stories for the New York Times Magazine, Slate, and other publications. Her radio stories have aired on This American Life and Sound Print. The Newcomers is her third book. www.helenthorpe.com

Moving Into New Beginnings


Spring is in the air and every thing is moving into a new beginning!  So how can we move into a new beginning in our own lives?  It’s simple to do the normal spring cleaning in our home, car and office, but sometimes the most difficult changes could be doing a little spring cleaning in our personal lives.  Much of this can be done by how we choose to see the world and how we choose to interact with others.  This quote from Judy Goodman is a great reminder of the power that each of us possess in determining what type of experience we will have.

“Every day is a new beginning.  Plan ahead for for what you would like that beginning to look like.  Remember that every thing is about the choices we make!” – Judy Goodman

Waking up and choosing to have a good day, not taking things personally, being kind with your words (including towards yourself!) and taking the initiative to reach out to others in kindness is a great start!

Join me in planning ahead  by choosing not to complain for the next 30 days.  By watching our words, it will help shift our experience into a positive one, regardless what his happening around us. Let’s move our focus towards what we are grateful for in our lives.  Making this shift in perspective will change your life!