Pleiadian-Earth Energy Astrology & Laarkmaa with Pia Orleane, PhD & Cullen Baird Smith
Sunday, January 13th at 8pm ET/5pm PT

Pia Orleane, PhD and Cullen Baird Smith have accessed parallel dimensions since childhood. Pia and Cullen are interstellar communicators—bringing forth the voice of Laarkmaa requires their combined energies. Stepping away from their traditional careers of clinical psychologist and forensic anthropologist, they have dedicated their lives to bringing the wisdom of Laarkmaa to the world.  

The Power of 1(0) with Denise Alexander Pyle, JD
Monday, September 10th at 8pm ET/5pm PT

Denise Alexander Pyle is truly blessed and grateful to have had the opportunity to share the message that the power of ten is the power of one and all. In writing The Power of 1(0), she gives thanks to her one—God—and to her all—her family, friends, teachers, masters, guides, enlightened individuals, and lessons that have inspired, encouraged, and educated her along the journey. 

New Beginnings

As we start the new year, everything is about new beginnings. We often reflect on the upcoming year with anticipation, citing our intentions for the road ahead. How is it possible to show up in the world in a bigger way?
How can I make a greater impact in my community and lives of others? What are some of the ways that I can improve myself? These are some of the questions that come to mind as I look for new ways to move beyond the comfortable boundaries that my life continually encompasses me with.
“How can you know what you’re capable of if you don’t embrace the unknown?” – Esmeralda Santiago
What I’ve learned over the years, is when there is the willingness to be remain open to new ideas and opportunities, the magic of life tends to unfold in ways that we could have never predicted. I’ve discovered that by following my passion, being in gratitude and having faith in both myself and a Higher Source, miracles take place daily. My desire for you is that this New Year brings about all that your heart desires. Thank you for being a part of this great journey with me.
Make Every Moment Count!

Moving Into New Beginnings


Spring is in the air and every thing is moving into a new beginning!  So how can we move into a new beginning in our own lives?  It’s simple to do the normal spring cleaning in our home, car and office, but sometimes the most difficult changes could be doing a little spring cleaning in our personal lives.  Much of this can be done by how we choose to see the world and how we choose to interact with others.  This quote from Judy Goodman is a great reminder of the power that each of us possess in determining what type of experience we will have.

“Every day is a new beginning.  Plan ahead for for what you would like that beginning to look like.  Remember that every thing is about the choices we make!” – Judy Goodman

Waking up and choosing to have a good day, not taking things personally, being kind with your words (including towards yourself!) and taking the initiative to reach out to others in kindness is a great start!

Join me in planning ahead  by choosing not to complain for the next 30 days.  By watching our words, it will help shift our experience into a positive one, regardless what his happening around us. Let’s move our focus towards what we are grateful for in our lives.  Making this shift in perspective will change your life!  

Happy 2016!


With the start of this New Year, there is so much to be grateful for.  All of the wonderful people and events that have graced my life during the past year have brilliantly paved the way for the magnificence that is yet to come.  This I know this to be true for each of us, if we believe it to be so.

Recently, I rediscovered a quote from Dr. Wayne Dyer that adds spark my experience whenever I read it.

“When you stay on purpose and refuse to be discouraged by fear, you align with the infinite self in which all possibilities exist”

What an encouraging reminder and what a powerful place to stand in the world…  empowered, passionate and in full faith of our abilities.

For this coming year and all the years to come, I wish you a life where your heart sings in the morning as you wake up and that you stand in the knowing that you are capable of greatness!

Make Every Moment Count!


Love is in Stars with Celebrity Psychic Brad Kronen


Join me on Friday, Nov 27th at 5pm EST & Saturday, Nov 21st at 5am EST with special guest Brad Kronen on Moments with Marianne at 1510AM WMEX BOSTON and Dreamvisions 7 Radio Network as we talk about his new book Love in the Stars! This promises to be a fun and enlightening interview!

Are you curious about whether your crush or current flame is a match made in the stars? Whether you’re looking for love, already dating, or just curious about your compatibility with other signs, author Brad Kronen provides everything you need to know about your astrological love matches.

Understanding each sign’s basic energy pattern can make winning someone’s heart easy. No matter what the stars reveal—a propensity for harmony and romance, a challenging “star-crossed” attraction, or a passionate pairing with more fireworks than the Fourth of July—Love in the Stars shows you the most effective way to pursue, woo, and be happy with your objet d’amour of ANY sun sign.

Visit Brad’s website at:

Moments With Marianne is heard on Dreamvisions 7 Radio Network every Thursday & Friday at 5pm & 5amEST, Saturdays at 5am EST and every 2nd Sunday at 8pmEST when Dreamvisions 7 Radio Network is live at 1510am WMEX Boston, with over 1 Million listeners in over 135 countries.

To listen to the show on Friday at 5am & 5pm EST visit this link:

Moments with Marianne special guest Aleya Dao discussing her new book Seven Cups of Consciousness

Aleya DaoJoin me on TODAY, Nov 26th at 5pm EST with special guest Aleya Dao: Seven Cups of Consciousness on Moments with Marianne at 1510AM WMEX BOSTON and Dreamvisions 7 Radio Network as we talk about her new book Seven Cups of Consciousness, Change Your Life by Connecting to the Higher Realms. Aleya is offering a FREE GIFT to all listeners so make sure to tune in!!

Aleya is an author, highly gifted sound healer, energetic practitioner, Minister in the state of California, Doctor of Oriental Medicine in New Mexico, and a Licensed Acupuncturist in Colorado. She has been an alternative healer for 20 years. Aleya graduated from Lewis and Clark University in Portland, Oregon and earned her Master’s Degree in Oriental Medicine from The Southwest Acupuncture School in Santa Fe, New Mexico. She practiced in Telluride, Colorado for 7 years before moving to Santa Barbara, California where she serves an international clientele as a spiritual guide and sound healer.

In 2001 Aleya had an enlightenment experience, which enabled her to perceive other realms, hear the angelic beings, and increased her empathic and clairvoyant abilities. Sounds True released her Light Body Healing Album in August of 2014. Her first Book, Seven Cups of Consciousness: Change Your Life by Connecting to the Higher Realms with New World Library released September 2015.

Visit Aleya’s website at:    41mrh4SH4qL

Moments With Marianne is heard on Dreamvisions 7 Radio Network every Thursday & Friday at 5pm & 5amEST, Saturdays at 5am EST and every 2nd Sunday at 8pmEST when Dreamvisions 7 Radio Network is live at 1510am WMEX Boston, with over 1 Million listeners in over 135 countries.

To listen to the show on Friday at 5am & 5pm EST visit this link:

Ancient Secrets of Manifesting Revealed – How to Unlock Your Highest Potential with Ken Elliott


Have you ever had the sense that your thoughts might actually be doing something?

Imagine you are a genie and everything you wish begins to form up right in front of you. First is your thought and thought creates form. The next steps to creating the life that you want is as simple as 123! Make sure to tune in to this soul inspiring conversation with award winning author, Ken Elliott. From Ken Elliott’s personal experiences, you will learn exactly how your thoughts take form on the Other Side and how to put them to work for you.

Bio: Ken Elliott is an award winning artist & author who has been on showcased on media all over the world. Ken has learned how to manifest items both big and small, first creating his desires on the Other Side and watching those thoughts take from in our physical world. Ken is living a life that many call “magical and miraculous.”

Over the last 20+ years Ken has been teaching others these simple techniques so they can create the life that they desire.

Moments With Marianne is heard on Dreamvisions 7 Radio Network every Thursday & Friday at 5pm & 5amEST and every 2nd Sunday at 8pmEST when Dreamvisions 7 Radio Network is live at 1510am WMEX Boston, with over 1 Million listeners in over 135 countries.

To listen to the LIVE show on Sunday, November 8th at 6PM MST/8PM EST visit this link:

What Your Words Are Saying Workshop with Judy Goodman in Atlanta, Georgia


This is exciting news for those attending Judy’s November 7th. class in Atlanta, GA. Each paid attendee will receive a FREE download certificate for Judy’s award winning audio book “Journey…The Quest of the Soul.” Over four hours of profound answers to questions about the workings of the physical and spirit worlds. Since the audio book was released June 30th, it has found a home in 8 countries. Judy’s special gift to you, something that will further assist you in your own journey.

“…This is not a light or casual conversation, but one of great depth and scope. Lives have been changed here, some are moved to tears…”

“…With humility, clarity, and sincere respect for her listeners, Judy Goodman offers compelling answers for many of the mysteries perplexing all of us about life, death, relationships, religion, spirituality and God…”

“Once in a lifetime, a book comes along that changes everything. The wisdom contained within this book is thought provoking, life changing and insightful, which resonated at my core. Many times I paused the recording and cried, hearing the confirmations and truths that this book held for me. It left me with a greater sense of peace, clarity and understanding, which has profoundly impacted the way I view life, death and the Afterlife.”

For more information or to register visit: