Good Talk

In the Moments with Marianne book club Good Talk: How to Design Conversations That Matter by Daniel Stillman!

Do you know what it takes to develop dialogue that really matters?  Good Talk by Daniel Stillman explains how to view the conversations you have, and how to structure a conversation that brings greater engagement and connection, regardless if you’re speaking to a single person or engaged in a large group settings.  Our lives are developed based on the skill level of communication we have with others.  So it’s important to develop impactful conversation by choice, not chance.  Filled with tips, tools and easy to follow instructions, Good Talk is the perfect read for orators, professionals and people of all skillset.

Click here to listen to the interview!

Click here to order the book! 

The Creative Curve with Allen Gannett
Thursday, August 1st at 8pm ET/5pm PT

CEO and Founder of Track Maven, Allen Gannett believes that we have been spoon-fed the notion that creativity is the province of genius — of those favored, brilliant few whose moments of insight arrive in unpredictable flashes of divine inspiration.  And if we are not a genius, we might as well pack it in and give up. Either we have that gift, or we don’t.  But that simply isn’t true.  In THE CREATIVE CURVE: How to Develop the Right Idea, at the Right Time by big data entrepreneur Allen Gannett, a Forbes and Inc. “30 Under 30” awardee, tells us why and shows us how to get it. 

Habits for Success with G. Brian Benson
Thursday, February 21st at 8pm ET/5pm PT

In 2008, Brian followed a hunch and left his family’s golf center business, stepping into the unknown. Ever since, inspiration has followed. Letting intuition be his guide, he began to step out of his comfort zone and unexpected paths and talents started to emerge such as writing, acting, and crafting stories. Tapping into this emerging creativity, Brian began his own hero’s journey of self-realization and growth, which continues to influence his empowering and inspiring books, films, and presentations.

Hidden Brilliance with Katie Rasoul
Friday February 8th at 8pm ET/5pm PT

Katie Rasoul is the author of Hidden Brilliance: A High-Achieving Introvert’s Guide to Self-Discovery, Leadership and Playing Big (2018). It is an Amazon Best Seller from several categories, including Business & Money Skills, Communication, and Motivational. The book, Hidden Brilliance, was born out of a personal pivot point her career that led to the incredible TEDx talk, “Uncovering the High-Achieving Introvert”, that she presented at TEDxUWMilwaukee in 

The Go-Giver Influencer with Bob Burg
Thursday, November 29th at 8pm ET/5pm PT

Bob Burg is a sought-after speaker at company leadership and sales conferences on topics at the core of the Go-Giver books. A former television personality and top-producing salesperson, Bob has shared the platform with some of today’s top business leaders, broadcast personalities, coaches, athletes, and political leaders, including a former U.S. president.

Calm the Chaos with Nicola Taggart
Friday, October 5th at 8:30pm ET/5:30pm PT

Providing life and leadership success coaching, consulting and training to business owners, executives and their teams so they can calm the chaos, create clarity and leave a bigger impact, personally and professionally.

Turning Obstacles into Opportunities with Greg S. Reid

7f07f31c-7bb8-457a-9a0f-d5feada821f5Bestselling Author. Acclaimed Speaker. Filmmaker – Greg S. Reid is a natural entrepreneur known for his giving spirit and a knack for translating complicated situations into simple, digestible concepts. As an action-taking phenomenon, strategy turns into results fast and furious, and relationships are deep and rich in the space he orbits.

51jXb15yViL-1._SX331_BO1,204,203,200_Published in over 45 books, 28 best sellers, five motion pictures, and featured in countless magazines, Greg shares that the most valuable lessons we learn, are also the easiest ones to apply. Recently, Greg has been hand selected by The Napoleon Hill Foundation to help carry on the teaching found in the bible of personal achievement – Think and Grow Rich.

His latest Movie ‘Wish Man’ features the real life story of Frank Shankwitz (Founder Of the Make A Wish Foundation) where one boys desire inspired a man to change the world.

Being a Go-Giver with Bob Burg

Being a Go-Giver with Bob Burg on Moments with Marianne at Dreamvisions 7 Radio Network & WMEX 1510AM Boston.  Friday, April 8th at 5am & 5pm EST & Thursday, April 14th at 5am & 5pm EST
Bob Burg shares information on topics vital to the success of today’s businessperson. He speaks for corporations and associations internationally, including fortune 500 companies, franchises, and numerous direct sales organizations.
Bob regularly addresses audiences ranging in size from 50 to 16,000 — sharing the platform with notables including today’s top thought leaders, broadcast personalities, Olympic athletes and political leaders including a former United States President.
Although for years he was best known for his book Endless Referrals, over the past few years it’s his business parable, The Go-Giver (coauthored with John David Mann) that has captured the imagination of his readers.
The Go-Giver, a The Wall Street Journal and Business Week Bestseller, has sold over 500,000 copies. Since its release it has consistently stayed in the top 25 on 800ceoread’s Business Book Bestsellers List. It has been translated into 21 languages and is Bob’s fourth book to sell over 250,000 copies. You can visit Bob’s website here:
You can listen to the show by click here at 5am & 5pm EST!

Moving Into New Beginnings


Spring is in the air and every thing is moving into a new beginning!  So how can we move into a new beginning in our own lives?  It’s simple to do the normal spring cleaning in our home, car and office, but sometimes the most difficult changes could be doing a little spring cleaning in our personal lives.  Much of this can be done by how we choose to see the world and how we choose to interact with others.  This quote from Judy Goodman is a great reminder of the power that each of us possess in determining what type of experience we will have.

“Every day is a new beginning.  Plan ahead for for what you would like that beginning to look like.  Remember that every thing is about the choices we make!” – Judy Goodman

Waking up and choosing to have a good day, not taking things personally, being kind with your words (including towards yourself!) and taking the initiative to reach out to others in kindness is a great start!

Join me in planning ahead  by choosing not to complain for the next 30 days.  By watching our words, it will help shift our experience into a positive one, regardless what his happening around us. Let’s move our focus towards what we are grateful for in our lives.  Making this shift in perspective will change your life!  

Ancient Secrets of Manifesting Revealed – How to Unlock Your Highest Potential with Ken Elliott


Have you ever had the sense that your thoughts might actually be doing something?

Imagine you are a genie and everything you wish begins to form up right in front of you. First is your thought and thought creates form. The next steps to creating the life that you want is as simple as 123! Make sure to tune in to this soul inspiring conversation with award winning author, Ken Elliott. From Ken Elliott’s personal experiences, you will learn exactly how your thoughts take form on the Other Side and how to put them to work for you.

Bio: Ken Elliott is an award winning artist & author who has been on showcased on media all over the world. Ken has learned how to manifest items both big and small, first creating his desires on the Other Side and watching those thoughts take from in our physical world. Ken is living a life that many call “magical and miraculous.”

Over the last 20+ years Ken has been teaching others these simple techniques so they can create the life that they desire.

Moments With Marianne is heard on Dreamvisions 7 Radio Network every Thursday & Friday at 5pm & 5amEST and every 2nd Sunday at 8pmEST when Dreamvisions 7 Radio Network is live at 1510am WMEX Boston, with over 1 Million listeners in over 135 countries.

To listen to the LIVE show on Sunday, November 8th at 6PM MST/8PM EST visit this link:

Unique Knowledge with Ben Wechsler


Join me on Friday, October 23rd at 5am & 5pm EST with special guest, Ben Benjamin Wechsler consultant on Leadership, Creative Problem Solving, Strategy & Innovation on Moments With Marianne at Dreamvisions 7 Radio Network.

Ben says that we have Unique Knowledge. Learn what that is and how we can harness this knowledge in our everyday lives.

Moments With Marianne is heard on Dreamvisions 7 Radio Network every Thursday & Friday at 5pm & 5amEST and every 2nd Sunday at 8pmEST when Dreamvisions 7 Radio Network is live at 1510am WMEX Boston, with listeners in over 135 countries.

Saying “Yes” and Moving Beyond Fear


Many times during my career,  I have come up against fear in one form or another. Should I move my business in a certain direction, accept a proposal that I knew in my heart wasn’t a good fit the future of my business or work with a client that didn’t value, respect or appreciate what I bring to the table? When I quiet myself and listen to that inner guidance, typically the answers come quickly.  When I find myself struggling for a solution, a list of pros and cons will do the trick with money out of the equation. Overall, I have come to realize that fear itself is the doorway to a greater plateau of my personal and professional development.  When I move through fear with courage and faith, I have gained the greatest insights of my life.

If I want a different result, I have to do things differntly. It’s that Einstein quote “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results” that rings countless truths, yet many of us do this repetitious behavior expecting things to change.  So how could I show up in a bigger way, breaking the routines and patterns that have kept me feeling “safe” to expand my horizons?  One way of doing this is to say “Yes” more often, even when you feel like saying No!  This doesn’t mean to be a doormat, but it does mean moving beyond the boundaries that provide a comfortable and secure border around your life.  

This year, saying Yes more often has opened doors that I couldn’t imagined were possible.  This has allowed me to meet life more boldly and be more present to the gifts that are coming my way.

I challenge you to say Yes more often and see what the Universe has in store for you!  I bet it’s worth the adventure!

Wishing you all the best!