Many times during my career, I have come up against fear in one form or another. Should I move my business in a certain direction, accept a proposal that I knew in my heart wasn’t a good fit the future of my business or work with a client that didn’t value, respect or appreciate what I bring to the table? When I quiet myself and listen to that inner guidance, typically the answers come quickly. When I find myself struggling for a solution, a list of pros and cons will do the trick with money out of the equation. Overall, I have come to realize that fear itself is the doorway to a greater plateau of my personal and professional development. When I move through fear with courage and faith, I have gained the greatest insights of my life.
If I want a different result, I have to do things differntly. It’s that Einstein quote “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results” that rings countless truths, yet many of us do this repetitious behavior expecting things to change. So how could I show up in a bigger way, breaking the routines and patterns that have kept me feeling “safe” to expand my horizons? One way of doing this is to say “Yes” more often, even when you feel like saying No! This doesn’t mean to be a doormat, but it does mean moving beyond the boundaries that provide a comfortable and secure border around your life.
This year, saying Yes more often has opened doors that I couldn’t imagined were possible. This has allowed me to meet life more boldly and be more present to the gifts that are coming my way.
I challenge you to say Yes more often and see what the Universe has in store for you! I bet it’s worth the adventure!
Wishing you all the best!