Journey... The Quest of the Soul with Judy Goodman
Sunday, August 11th at 8pm ET/5pm PT

Judy Goodman CPC, CSRC, CRC, author of the award winning, International bestselling audiobook, Journey… The Quest of the Soul, as we discuss the workings of both the spirit and physical worlds.  Walking in both worlds at all times, Judy answers the profound questions we ask ourselves. Judy brings a broad range of knowledge presented with a gentle quality that captivates, and lifts each person individually.  Her sense of compassion and understanding, coupled with a great sense of humor keeps the topics interesting and very informative at the same time. You can learn more about Judy Goodman at her website here: 

Featured Guest: Judy Goodman, CPC, CSRC, CRC, Speaker, Professional Coach and Award-Winning Author of Journey… The Quest of the Soul, Shares Her Global Work.

by staff writer Victoria Davis

Judy Goodman is an award-winning author, highly recognized motivational speaker, devoted mother, beloved grandmother and, as others put it, a “teacher of teachers.” For many years, she was immersed in the high-profile public work-force, even being involved in negotiations between Russia and The United States regarding an aircraft of the future. But over 35 years ago, Goodman decided to devote her time entirely to what she says was “always my destiny”— guiding people along both the physical and metaphysical journey of life. 

“I was born walking in two different worlds,” said Goodman, who is internationally recognized for being a certified professional coach helping clients of all backgrounds and ages, find healing from addiction and trauma. “I knew I was different, I just didn’t know how far that was going to take me.”

Goodman is a trained hypnotherapist and her work, as a teacher and counselor, has taken her all over the United States, Canada, Mexico, The Bahamas, Puerto Rico, Europe, Egypt, and Peru, and has given her the chance to meet with many public figures and celebrities. One of the achievements she is very proud of is her audio book, ‘Journey…The Quest of the Soul,’ which has been downloaded in twenty-three countries.  Goodman was a bit ahead of her time when she decided to make the book ‘audio,’ and subsequently re-mastered it into a digital format, allowing it to be downloaded all over the world.

 “It’s a book about life’s questions,” said Goodman, “a place that answers those thoughts you might not know how to ask.”  

Journey tackles seemingly out-of-reach subjects like the afterlife, the existence of angels and other realms, and the interpretation of dreams. True to her notable workshop and teaching ability, Goodman’s audio book is over four hours of unscripted answers. After the earlier overwhelming acceptance of the audio book, Goodman recently re-released her work on iTunes, CDBaby and Amazon. Journey was also the recipient of the Pinnacle Book Achievement Award. Readers have reviewed her work as “Life changing,” “Moved to tears,” and “Beyond conventional wisdom.”

Having served as a Kaiser Institute faculty member, working with professional individuals to develop their intuitive abilities, as well as being a founding board member of The HeartLight Center in Denver, a center for grief support and education, Goodman has had the chance to interact with a variety of clients, from all over the world. She adds that Journey isn’t saturated in case studies or recorded philosophy, rather it is founded on her own understanding, experiences and the knowledge she was born with.

“I’m much more spiritual than I am religious,” said Goodman. “This book embraces most religions because I believe there’s a bit of truth in almost every religious doctrine. We all believe in something; my job isn’t to change people’s belief system, it’s to encourage them to ask questions. The gift I receive from my work is that I have learned something from every person that has crossed my path.”

Goodman has long been recognized for her motivational quotes and is currently completing a book of her original work, written over the last 35 years. The title of her soon to be released work is “Changing Your Reality.” The book is full of pictures, many of which were taken by the author herself.  Each motivational statement written by Goodman will also feature additional thoughts of how it might be applied to the reader’s life.  At this time Goodman anticipates a release in mid-to-late, 2019.

“This will be one of those things you’re going to keep on your bedside table or on your coffee table,” said Goodman. “It’s one of those books you can pick up and find a saying that will help you pretty much any day of the year.” 

 Goodman states that the industry has taught her a great deal about releasing her work, and plans to release a digital version, along with a print on demand copy. She adds, “When I write, the words just flow, and it’s almost sequential. It isn’t about being that smart, I think it’s just because I’m doing the right thing in my life.”

Judy Goodman, CPC, CSRC, CRC, Working and Teaching Beyond Conventional Wisdom! Trained in Hypnosis, Certified Professional Coach, Relationship Counselor, Addiction Recovery Coach, Grief Support and, an internationally recognized intuitive.

You can access links to Journey and download Goodman’s self-help workbooks on her website

The Key to Unlocking Your Future with Judy Goodman
Tuesday, January 1st at 8pm ET/5pm PT

Judy Goodman, CPC, CSRC, CRC may possibly be one of the most gifted teachers, and motivational speakers today. Her access to the workings of the physical world and ‘the other side’ is absolutely amazing. She works and teaches without the limits usually associated with the most talented. A ‘go-to person’ for many people! Born with a gift of seeing beyond the ordinary view of most people, Judy teaches ‘beyond conventional wisdom.’ She may be without peer in her experience of the events and workings of the physical and spiritual realms. This extraordinary combination of gifts is very unique.

Change Our Reality with Judy Goodman
Thursday, November 22nd at 8pm ET/5pm PT

Replay by popular demand! Change Our Reality with Judy Goodman

Judy Goodman, CPC, CSRC, CRC may possibly be one of the most gifted teachers, and motivational speakers today. Her access to the workings of the physical world and ‘the other side’ is absolutely amazing. She works and teaches without the limits usually associated with the most talented. A ‘go-to person’ for many people! Born with a gift of seeing beyond the ordinary view of most people, Judy teaches ‘beyond conventional wisdom.’ She may be without peer in her experience of the events and workings of the physical and spiritual realms. This extraordinary combination of gifts is very unique.

Forgiving the Unforgivable

What does it mean to truly forgive somebody, on every level and for everything? I used to think that I had a great capacity for forgiveness and that, over the years, I had developed a deeper level of compassion for those that had slighted me, understanding that they are often operating out of an unresolved pain or trauma. However, my belief in my abilities was shattered and dramatically changed after watching the movie The Shack.

The film, based off the book by William P. Young, follows the journey of Mack Phillips who spends a weekend with a trio of individuals, each personifying God, at an old shack in the woods. The story takes place after a man called, “The little lady killer” kidnaps and murders Mack’s youngest daughter while the family is on a camping trip. While the rest of the family attempt to move through the pain, Mack falls into a deep depression that spurs doubt regarding his beliefs. The topics of forgiveness, judgement and love are discussed in a whole new way and eventually brings Mack back to peace, healing and a deeper level on his personal beliefs, changing him forever.

Watching this movie was an eye-opening experience that left me questioning how deep my level of forgiveness was. Did I truly forgive everyone with an open heart? Even if it was something unforgivable?

Every painful moment can be traced back to an initial heartache or trauma someone has endured, usually at the hands of another. The root of this suffering is often not easily visible to the person experiencing the pain. Yet, if we are willing to step back and see the entire story, the reason someone might have wronged us becomes clear. While this doesn’t condone behavior or activity that goes against social and moral conduct, it offers us the opportunity to be more compassionate and objective when forgiving someone, being careful to not get caught up in the energy of their story. If we are willing to step back and look at the bigger picture, we find that, while each of us is unique, we are not all that dissimilar.

As expressed in The Shack, we were made to love and forgive. That is our legacy to the world. Love is the answer to all things and the greatest gift we can give one another. But the first step to giving love is receiving peace. And how is it possible to receive peace? By freeing ourselves with forgiveness and approaching all situations with the same compassion and wisdom we would like to see in others. I encourage you to break the chains of resentment and find a way to peace, in all of your relationships, even if it means forgiving the unforgivable. As my mentor Judy Goodman has taught me, forgiveness doesn’t mean condoning what someone has done, it’s about freedom & peace. You deserve to have peace in your life! Only then will we be on track to living the life we desire — a loving, joyful and fulfilling one.

Make Every Moment Count!

Open Heart


One of the most difficult things to master is interpersonal relationships. We meet people from all walks of life that have experiences, challenges, wounds and wisdom that offers a different perspective from our own understanding. So often the stories that we create, our misperceptions and unclear communications can foster misunderstandings where none really exist. Recently I was reminded of this, and the lessons that I took away were priceless.

What I found was that when we are willing to open our hearts, it doesn’t just open us up to potential pain or heartache. For those that have the courage to look deeper, it gives us the opportunity for tremendous growth and freedom. This growth and freedom comes from being able to looking past our pains to the bigger picture for all involved. 

Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle – Plato

When we authentically show up in the world as a living example of our values and morals (without expectations or intentions of others to show up the same), we are in a place of personal power that no one can shake. This allows us to see how others truly are and interact based not in judgement of their pains, but with compassion for them.

How often is it in our day that we gracefully and kindly express what it is that we want in life? Are we honest in how we show up in the world and how we treat others? Are we being true to ourselves and what it is that we stand for? Not sharing common values, doesn’t make the other person bad, it makes them human.

When we are willing not to take things personally and step back far enough to see the perspectives of others, the lesson we take away is that we are all learning, growing and evolving in our own unique way.

I’ve been working with my mentor Judy Goodman to gain a greater understanding on this discussion. To read Judy’s recent newsletter that expands on this topic visit: and you’ll understand why many people describe Judy’s insights as beyond conventional wisdom.

Make Every Moment Count!


Give It Away

654120dd-946a-4821-b59a-18f2fb6afde5I recently attended a workshop that Judy Goodman spoke at in Denver, Colorado, and she said something that resonated with me to the core.

“Whatever is lacking in your life, give it away and it will return to you seven-fold”

What a true statement that is!  As I look back at some of the difficult times in my own life, when I had felt exceptionally lonely, disconnected or was having a difficult time, reaching out and being of service is what got me through.

Staying connected with others is often a very conscious act, requiring that we make the effort and that time is involved. In a world where we are the most connect and at the same time the most disconnected, finding “time” to reach out and spend with others or being of service is often pushed to the back burner. This brings the cycle full circle, often returning us to our starting point of feeling alone and disconnected.

If you are missing something in your life, I urge you to give it away to others with an open heart. Your life will be more full than you could ever imagine.

Make Every Moment Count!


Living a Heart Centered Life


The fabulous individuals that I am interviewing this month really bring to light, and serve as a reminder, how important living a heart centered life is. So how can I shift my life to be more heart centered? Is it possible to develop deeper relationships, not only with others but most importantly myself?

Let me share with you a couple of secrets that worked for me when I started on my path. Part of my everyday routine, begins and ends in gratitude. There is always so much to be grateful for, no matter what is happening. I find that by shifting my focus on what I’m thankful for allows me to see the world in a different way. It’s so easy to engage with others in a bit of complaining or gossip, but this contagious habit can spread like a cancer in your life if left unchecked. By shifting focus and choosing to look for all things positive (and believe me… there were some days I had to stand pretty far back to see a glimmer of positivity!) I have found that there is little that can happen in my day that throws me off my path. 

The second secret I would like to share with you is a very simple, yet profound blessing that you can silently do for anyone. It’s called Heart to Heart at I have personally seen the miraculous happen when doing this blessing. The caveat is this blessing is done with no expectation or intentions for the other person, you are only the conduit for the blessing to occur, thus allowing the Universe to work it’s magic. Now who doesn’t want a more magical life!

Both of these secrets are simple, yet very important in making significant change. Life is merely an illusion, it is an invention of our thoughts, beliefs, feelings and perceptions. So let’s choose to have an experience that feeds our soul and allows us to live

Remember to tune in this month as I explore how to show up and live life from the Heart!

Make Every Moment Count!

Finding Love in Your Day


As the month of February begins, many of us are drawn to thoughts of Valentine’s Day, where it’s expected that we should shower our special loved one with token devotions of our love.  But what if your relationship isn’t all that great or you’re single and starting to feel a little down because another Valentine’s Day is on the horizon without a viable romantic interest in sight?

Have you every looked around to see the love that already surrounds you on a daily basis?  The type of Love I’m talking about isn’t romantic by any means, but the outpouring of caring and compassion towards others.

I wake up everyday, deeply grateful for all of the amazing, and wonderful people in my life and the love they bless me with.  I have learned that if we let go of what love should look like and stand in appreciation of the love that is currently in our lives, not only are we happier people (who doesn’t want to be that!) but we will attract more loving relationships into our lives.

I recently had the pleasure of interviewing Alan Cohen, and one of his quotes speaks so eloquently to this.  “You can only see in someone else what you see in yourself”. How can I be a good  boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, wife, neighbor, friend or member of my community and love others if I have yet to fall in love with who it is that I am?

As my mentor Judy Goodman said in her latest newsletter, “Whatever is lacking in your own life, give it away to another person”.  If you are not feeling loved, have you been loving towards your friends and family.  How about a stranger?  A simple smile, opening the door for someone, offering to help at a local soup kitchen or letting someone get in the lane in front of you can be a simple, yet profound gesture of love.

This month I am encouraging all of my friends (and this includes you!) to find love in your everyday journey.

What Your Words Are Saying Workshop with Judy Goodman in Atlanta, Georgia


This is exciting news for those attending Judy’s November 7th. class in Atlanta, GA. Each paid attendee will receive a FREE download certificate for Judy’s award winning audio book “Journey…The Quest of the Soul.” Over four hours of profound answers to questions about the workings of the physical and spirit worlds. Since the audio book was released June 30th, it has found a home in 8 countries. Judy’s special gift to you, something that will further assist you in your own journey.

“…This is not a light or casual conversation, but one of great depth and scope. Lives have been changed here, some are moved to tears…”

“…With humility, clarity, and sincere respect for her listeners, Judy Goodman offers compelling answers for many of the mysteries perplexing all of us about life, death, relationships, religion, spirituality and God…”

“Once in a lifetime, a book comes along that changes everything. The wisdom contained within this book is thought provoking, life changing and insightful, which resonated at my core. Many times I paused the recording and cried, hearing the confirmations and truths that this book held for me. It left me with a greater sense of peace, clarity and understanding, which has profoundly impacted the way I view life, death and the Afterlife.”

For more information or to register visit:

Moments with Marianne



I’m delighted to announce Moments with Marianne! Tune in for an hour that could change your life!

Join me on October 11th at 8pm EST with special guest, Judy Goodman CPC, CSRC, CRC, author of the award winning, International bestselling audiobook, Journey… The Quest of the Soul, as we discuss the workings of both the spirit and physical worlds.  Walking in both worlds at all times, Judy answers the profound questions we ask ourselves.

JudyJudy brings a broad range of knowledge presented with a gentle quality that captivates, and lifts each person individually.

Her sense of compassion and understanding, coupled with a great sense of humor keeps the topics interesting and very informative at the same time. You can learn more about Judy Goodman at her website here:

In a single moment you life can change!  “Moments with Marianne” is a transformative hour that covers an endless array of topics with the ‘best of the best.’ Her guest are leaders in their fields, ranging from inspirational authors, top industry leaders, business and spiritual entrepreneurs.  Each guest is gifted, and a true visionary!  A recognized leader in her own work, and while teaching others to develop, refocus, and grow; Marianne will bring the best guest, and sometimes a special surprise.  Don’t miss this – you never know just which ‘moment’ will change your life forever.