Finding Hope & Forgiveness

How can we cultivate hope and forgiveness during our darkest hour?  With each tragedy our society endures, it feels as if we’re slipping into the abyss of a “new normal”.  This is something that we must fight against, not by pushing it away with anger, hatred or fear. Through the lens of compassion, it’s clear to see that we are not so dissimilar from one another.  It’s in realizing those similarities that the sparks of hope and forgiveness are fueled.

Practicing compassion, forgiveness, love, and kindness, with ourselves and everyone around us, can impact the world in ways we may never fully comprehend. Living a life of greater love for one another starts by seeing the divinity in each person that crosses our path. Sometimes this might be difficult to do, but it’s in recognizing this, everything changes.

Make Every Moment Count!

Changing Perspectives

Whether social, political, ecological or even philosophical, the way we view the world and the people in it are directly related to the way we live our lives. Everyone has their favorite restaurants, stores, communal hang-outs and so on. It’s not wrong to have a routine, but getting stuck living on repeat is another story. Staying in our own bubbles can stunt our world views causing us to shut down, which often makes us feel alone and isolated.  It’s a vast world outside these routines that’s begging us to give in to the adventure that’s calling, and connect with others in a more meaningful way.

While it’s easy to hop on a plane and jet off to some new land—exploring new cultures, ideas and lifestyles—it’s equally important to get to know the multi-cultural atmosphere that makes up our own countries, neighborhoods and cities. It’s by exploring this diversity that we can change our perspective about life, and about those with whom we share this planet. “Exploring,” could mean anything from trying a new eatery, becoming involved in a new organization or attending an event that you’ve been wanting to experience.

There are so many beautiful places to visit and billions of beautiful souls to meet. If we’re lucky, we get about 100 years on this earth. Don’t waste a single moment. Open up your soul to the world and let it breathe by circulating in the oxygen of many atmospheres, and get ready to see more beauty than you imagined.

Make Every Moment Count!


Four Sacred Gifts with Dr. Anita Sanchez
Sunday, January 14th at 8pm ET/5pm PT

Dr. Anita Sanchez is a published author, consultant, trainer and executive coach who has worked with tens of thousands of global leaders and teams around the world. She specializes in indigenous wisdom, diversity and inclusion, leadership, culture and promoting positive change in our world.

How To Stop Feeling Like Sh*t with Andrea Owen
Friday, January 5th at 8pm ET/5pm PT

Andrea Owen is an author, mentor, and certified life coach who helps high-achieving women let go of perfectionism, control, and isolation and choosing courage and confidence instead. She has helped thousands of women manage their inner-critic to create loving connections and live their most kick-ass life.

How Our Perception Changes Our World


With so much going on in the world, how we choose to perceive things seems to be more important than ever.  While putting on rose-colored glasses isn’t something that I would suggest, choosing to change our perception of the challenges we face gives us the opportunity not only to shift how we show up in the world, but also allows us the opportunity to view the outer world and our inner world with more compassionate and grace.  This discussion often has me thinking about this quote from the Dalai Lama:

We can never obtain peace in the outer world until we make peace with ourselves.

If we’re having a difficult time liking ourselves, how can we like those around us?  If we allow ourselves to fall into judgement or criticize those that are different, how can we love the uniqueness that we alone bring to the world?

The journey of developing and maintaining inner peace  traverses a road with no end, yet the journey itself offers new vistas, plateaus and valleys of who we really are. Thus granting us a deeper awareness and understanding that we truly are one, regardless of our outer world and differences.
Wishing you much peace, grace and love.

Make Every Moment Count!
