How Our Perception Changes Our World


With so much going on in the world, how we choose to perceive things seems to be more important than ever.  While putting on rose-colored glasses isn’t something that I would suggest, choosing to change our perception of the challenges we face gives us the opportunity not only to shift how we show up in the world, but also allows us the opportunity to view the outer world and our inner world with more compassionate and grace.  This discussion often has me thinking about this quote from the Dalai Lama:

We can never obtain peace in the outer world until we make peace with ourselves.

If we’re having a difficult time liking ourselves, how can we like those around us?  If we allow ourselves to fall into judgement or criticize those that are different, how can we love the uniqueness that we alone bring to the world?

The journey of developing and maintaining inner peace  traverses a road with no end, yet the journey itself offers new vistas, plateaus and valleys of who we really are. Thus granting us a deeper awareness and understanding that we truly are one, regardless of our outer world and differences.
Wishing you much peace, grace and love.

Make Every Moment Count!


Living a Heart Centered Life


The fabulous individuals that I am interviewing this month really bring to light, and serve as a reminder, how important living a heart centered life is. So how can I shift my life to be more heart centered? Is it possible to develop deeper relationships, not only with others but most importantly myself?

Let me share with you a couple of secrets that worked for me when I started on my path. Part of my everyday routine, begins and ends in gratitude. There is always so much to be grateful for, no matter what is happening. I find that by shifting my focus on what I’m thankful for allows me to see the world in a different way. It’s so easy to engage with others in a bit of complaining or gossip, but this contagious habit can spread like a cancer in your life if left unchecked. By shifting focus and choosing to look for all things positive (and believe me… there were some days I had to stand pretty far back to see a glimmer of positivity!) I have found that there is little that can happen in my day that throws me off my path. 

The second secret I would like to share with you is a very simple, yet profound blessing that you can silently do for anyone. It’s called Heart to Heart at I have personally seen the miraculous happen when doing this blessing. The caveat is this blessing is done with no expectation or intentions for the other person, you are only the conduit for the blessing to occur, thus allowing the Universe to work it’s magic. Now who doesn’t want a more magical life!

Both of these secrets are simple, yet very important in making significant change. Life is merely an illusion, it is an invention of our thoughts, beliefs, feelings and perceptions. So let’s choose to have an experience that feeds our soul and allows us to live

Remember to tune in this month as I explore how to show up and live life from the Heart!

Make Every Moment Count!

How to Heal Yourself When No One Else Can

12742816_815327158590741_7054984933898083901_nUsing energy therapy and emotional healing techniques, How to Heal Yourself When No One Else Can shows you how to achieve complete and permanent healing by loving, accepting, and being yourself no matter what. Energy therapist Amy Scher presents an easy-to-understand, three-part approach to using energy healing for removing blockages, changing your relationship with stress, and coming into alignment with who you truly are.

After overcoming a life-threatening illness, Amy had an epiphany that healing is more than just physical. Her dramatic story serves as a powerful example of how beneficial it is to address our emotional energies, particularly when nothing else works. Discover areas of imbalance and easy ways to address them on your healing journey. Whether you are experiencing physical symptoms and chronic illness or are just feeling lost, sad, full of anxiety, or emotionally unbalanced, this book will show you how to use intuitive self healing to change your life.

Sunday, March 13th at 8pm EST & Thursday, February 18th at 5am & 5pm EST on Moments with Marianne at WMEX 1510AM Boston & Dreamvision 7 Radio Network. If you are in the Boston area, you can hear the show LIVE on WMEX 1510AM. Not in Boston but would like to listen to the show? Click here at 8pm EST!