Changing Perspectives

Whether social, political, ecological or even philosophical, the way we view the world and the people in it are directly related to the way we live our lives. Everyone has their favorite restaurants, stores, communal hang-outs and so on. It’s not wrong to have a routine, but getting stuck living on repeat is another story. Staying in our own bubbles can stunt our world views causing us to shut down, which often makes us feel alone and isolated.  It’s a vast world outside these routines that’s begging us to give in to the adventure that’s calling, and connect with others in a more meaningful way.

While it’s easy to hop on a plane and jet off to some new land—exploring new cultures, ideas and lifestyles—it’s equally important to get to know the multi-cultural atmosphere that makes up our own countries, neighborhoods and cities. It’s by exploring this diversity that we can change our perspective about life, and about those with whom we share this planet. “Exploring,” could mean anything from trying a new eatery, becoming involved in a new organization or attending an event that you’ve been wanting to experience.

There are so many beautiful places to visit and billions of beautiful souls to meet. If we’re lucky, we get about 100 years on this earth. Don’t waste a single moment. Open up your soul to the world and let it breathe by circulating in the oxygen of many atmospheres, and get ready to see more beauty than you imagined.

Make Every Moment Count!


Dreaming Beyond What’s Possible

Can you feel the expansion of abundance that’s on the verge of becoming all that you dreamed of and more?  Often, when we are on the cusp of profound transformation, knowing what the next step is can feel a little ambiguous.

When we look to grow beyond the plateau of where we currently stand, this often requires we step into the unknown, discarding the things that have kept us feeling comfortable and safe in the past.  It’s in the willingness to let go of what has been, that are we able to create the magic of what can be.

For me, letting go and dreaming is all about allowing this very magic to flow into my life.  Dreaming of what’s possible can be playful, adventurous and limitless.  Letting go can feel exciting, exhilarating and like a breath of fresh air. Yet, I often ask myself, “Am I dreaming big enough?”  Have you ever asked yourself the same question?  What if we imagined beyond our daily needs and desires?

Join me this month in allowing our minds to reach beyond what’s possible, and dare to dream higher than you’ve ever allowed yourself before.

Make Every Moment Count!

All You Need Is Love

February often has us thinking of Valentine’s Day and romance, but are we truly in love with the most important person in our life?
Think of someone you love unconditionally. How often is that same level of care, affection and devotion showered upon yourself? Typically, this answer falls far short of what we would consider loving behavior. With the ever alive self-critic and stream of negative input from the environment that surrounds us, it’s easy to fall into self disparaging comments and develop beliefs that don’t serve us. Discussions of self-love is often met with the criticism that its narcissistic, self-absorbed or egoistical to dedicate such devotion to yourself, however this couldn’t be further from the truth.
A self-loving practice teaches us to accept ourselves as we are. Love those qualities that make us celebrate and smile as our feet hit the floor every morning and the shadow characteristics, shrouded in pain that cause us to cringe and take shelter from the world. When we honestly love ourselves, the knowledge contained within our heart demands that we treated ourselves as the worthy, loveable, deserving, respected and forever cherished host.
Without loving ourselves first, we have nothing authentic and lasting to give someone else other than a momentary facade and fleeting vision of what we desire to become. Find the truth within your heart and love yourself beyond compare!
Make Every Moment Count!

Give It Away

654120dd-946a-4821-b59a-18f2fb6afde5I recently attended a workshop that Judy Goodman spoke at in Denver, Colorado, and she said something that resonated with me to the core.

“Whatever is lacking in your life, give it away and it will return to you seven-fold”

What a true statement that is!  As I look back at some of the difficult times in my own life, when I had felt exceptionally lonely, disconnected or was having a difficult time, reaching out and being of service is what got me through.

Staying connected with others is often a very conscious act, requiring that we make the effort and that time is involved. In a world where we are the most connect and at the same time the most disconnected, finding “time” to reach out and spend with others or being of service is often pushed to the back burner. This brings the cycle full circle, often returning us to our starting point of feeling alone and disconnected.

If you are missing something in your life, I urge you to give it away to others with an open heart. Your life will be more full than you could ever imagine.

Make Every Moment Count!


A Conscious & Creative Approach to Launching & Marketing Your Blog featuring Marianne Pestana at the International Association of Conscious & Creative Writers


A Conscious & Creative Approach to Launching & Marketing Your Blog featuring Marianne Pestana at the International Association of Conscious & Creative Writers Podcast on Thursday, June 2nd at 11am EDT!

Move from ‘How to Wow’ in developing a blog that follows your conscious path while inspiring your creativity, and your readers!
Many people struggle with developing content for blogging and particularly with self promoting. Yet there are many simple (and in many cases free) tools to keep you authentic and excited about blogging and marketing your unique gifts.

In this session, you’ll learn how to find creativity in your day, how to market yourself with a conscious approach as well as creative and inspiring ways to move into being a more expansive blogger generally. We’ll discuss:
*What to think about before launching your blog
*What platforms are the easiest to use in creating your blog
*Tools to turn on your creativity
*How staying heart-centred attracts your tribe online
*Shifting perspectives to shift your writing world
*Marketing 101 for the conscious blogger
*Taking your blog to the next level with heart-centred marketing
*Shining you light in the world one blog post at a time

Marianne Pestana is the highly acclaimed radio show host of Moments with Marianne on Dreamvisions 7 Radio Network & WMEX 1510AM Boston, heard in over 135 countries with over 800k listeners. Marianne’s entrepreneur experience, previously as a VP of Sales and currently a highly successful Literary Publicist, Marketing Insider and Social Media Strategist for over 13 years, has uniquely equipped her to train and mentor thousands of people worldwide from first time entrepreneurs to high level CEOs and corporations. Her conscious and intuitive perspective to life and business provides an innovative and out of the box approach that inspires all those she comes in contact with.

For more information visit and
It’s time for you to stand in the light, add more fun to your creative process and shine!

To register for this event, visit the IACCW website and sign up for a free or full membership:

To view this upcoming event visit:

Finding Love in Your Day


As the month of February begins, many of us are drawn to thoughts of Valentine’s Day, where it’s expected that we should shower our special loved one with token devotions of our love.  But what if your relationship isn’t all that great or you’re single and starting to feel a little down because another Valentine’s Day is on the horizon without a viable romantic interest in sight?

Have you every looked around to see the love that already surrounds you on a daily basis?  The type of Love I’m talking about isn’t romantic by any means, but the outpouring of caring and compassion towards others.

I wake up everyday, deeply grateful for all of the amazing, and wonderful people in my life and the love they bless me with.  I have learned that if we let go of what love should look like and stand in appreciation of the love that is currently in our lives, not only are we happier people (who doesn’t want to be that!) but we will attract more loving relationships into our lives.

I recently had the pleasure of interviewing Alan Cohen, and one of his quotes speaks so eloquently to this.  “You can only see in someone else what you see in yourself”. How can I be a good  boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, wife, neighbor, friend or member of my community and love others if I have yet to fall in love with who it is that I am?

As my mentor Judy Goodman said in her latest newsletter, “Whatever is lacking in your own life, give it away to another person”.  If you are not feeling loved, have you been loving towards your friends and family.  How about a stranger?  A simple smile, opening the door for someone, offering to help at a local soup kitchen or letting someone get in the lane in front of you can be a simple, yet profound gesture of love.

This month I am encouraging all of my friends (and this includes you!) to find love in your everyday journey.

Showing up in a Big Way!

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The last few months has been one astonishing moment after another. I can’t begin to express my deepest gratitude for all the wonderful events, opportunities and people that have come into my life. One such moment is the start of my weekly radio show airing on Moments with Marianne at Dreamvisions 7 Radio Network and every second Sunday on WMEX 1510AM Boston!

It’s interesting that this opportunity showed up when it did. My inner journey over the last few months has me reflecting on how I could show up in a bigger way and how I could make a greater impact. Almost instantly, the path opened up before me.

Judy Goodman told me some time back “when you are on your path, life gets simpler and everything falls into place.” How true that has become over the last few years. The struggle is gone and a greater sense of peace is what rules my world now. This is not to say that everything is always easy for me, I still have the same challenges that everyone else does. Yet my inner peace is at an all time high, along with an strong conviction of who it is that I am and what I have to offer. When we stand in this knowing, these moments not only define who we are to a greater degree, but also gives us the opportunity to shine our light in the world.

Make Every Moment Count!
