How to Have Better Relationships in 2016!


Did you miss the heart inspiring interview today as we kick off the New Year on Moments with Marianne with relationship experts Arielle Ford and Kerri Zane? You can catch the next airing on January 2nd at 5am EST or January 7th at 5pm EST.  You can listen to the archive of this show with Arielle Ford and Kerri Zane by clicking here!

Arielle Ford is a leading personality in the personal growth and contemporary spirituality movement. For the past 25 years she has been living, teaching, and promoting consciousness through all forms of media. Her stellar career includes years as a prominent book publicist, bestselling author, literary agent, TV lifestyle reporter, television producer, radio host, publishing consultant, relationship expert, speaker, columnist and blogger for the Huffington Post. You can visit her website at:

Kerri Zane is an Emmy Award winning executive TV producer, Huffington Post contributor, single mom lifestyle expert, spokesperson, keynote speaker and Amazon best selling author. She has an M.A. in Spiritual Psychology from the University of Santa Monica and a B.A. in Sociology from UCLA.
You can visit Kerri’s website at:


Showing up in a Big Way!

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The last few months has been one astonishing moment after another. I can’t begin to express my deepest gratitude for all the wonderful events, opportunities and people that have come into my life. One such moment is the start of my weekly radio show airing on Moments with Marianne at Dreamvisions 7 Radio Network and every second Sunday on WMEX 1510AM Boston!

It’s interesting that this opportunity showed up when it did. My inner journey over the last few months has me reflecting on how I could show up in a bigger way and how I could make a greater impact. Almost instantly, the path opened up before me.

Judy Goodman told me some time back “when you are on your path, life gets simpler and everything falls into place.” How true that has become over the last few years. The struggle is gone and a greater sense of peace is what rules my world now. This is not to say that everything is always easy for me, I still have the same challenges that everyone else does. Yet my inner peace is at an all time high, along with an strong conviction of who it is that I am and what I have to offer. When we stand in this knowing, these moments not only define who we are to a greater degree, but also gives us the opportunity to shine our light in the world.

Make Every Moment Count!
