The Paradise Table

In the Moments with Marianne book club The Paradise Table: a Kate Grace Mystery by Maryann Ridini Spencer 

Maryann Ridini Spencer follows up with her award-winning novel Lady in the Window with another enticing and empowering page-turner. The Paradise Table, with its touches of divine inspiration, demonstrates how out of heartbreak and loss, and with the love of ohana (friends and family), we can find hope, healing, and understanding.

Click here to listen to the interview!

Click here to order your copy!

The Henna Artist by Alka Joshi

Moments with Marianne book club pick for June is The Henna Artist by Alka Joshi!  This remarkable novel that will transport you to another place and time. A beautifully crafted and intoxicating read, The Henna Artist is filled with color, tradition, and bravery, as 30-year old henna artist Lakshmi Shastri sets out on her own to redefine her life and pursue her dreams.  At the pinnacle of her career, Lakshmi’s past soon comes to haunt her, but is everything really what it seems?

You can listen to the segment here, Enjoy!

Order you copy here!


Relationship Magic with Guy Finley
Thursday, February 14th at 8pm ET/5pm PT

Guy Finley is an internationally renowned spiritual teacher and bestselling self-help author. He is the Founder and Director of Life of Learning Foundation, a nonprofit center for transcendent self-study located in Merlin, Oregon. He also hosts the Foundation’s Wisdom School, an online self-discovery program for seekers of higher self-knowledge. He is the best-selling author of The Secret of Letting Go and 45 other books and audio programs that have sold over 2 million copies, in 26 languages, worldwide. Guy’s latest book, Relationship Magic: Waking Up Together, applies decades of spiritual wisdom to practical relationship challenges, transforming any relationship from mundane to magical.

Attracting & Maintaining Perfect Relationship with Vincent Genna
Friday, August 24th at 8pm ET/5pm PT

Vincent Genna is a world-renowned psychic medium and healer, respected spiritual teacher, and dynamic, animated speaker who receives and deciphers messages from the other side. Vincent’s readings uncover the heart of whatever is holding you back in life and provide actionable solutions so that you can ‘stop stopping yourself.’ Vincent transcended a youth of emotional, physical, and sexual abuse, and for the past 29 years he has dedicated all his talents to inspire people to believe in themselves so they can use all their gifts to fulfill their dreams!

Fit 2 Love with JJ Flizanes
Sunday, February 11th at 8pm ET/5pm PT

JJ Flizanes is an Empowerment Strategist and Director of Invisible Fitness, an Amazon best-selling author of Fit 2 Love: How to Get Physically, Emotionally, and Spiritually Fit to Attract the Love of Your Life, and author of Knack Absolute Abs: Routines for a Fit and Firm Core, and was named Best Personal Trainer in Los Angeles by Elite Traveler Magazine.

Breathing Love with Jennie Lee
Monday, January 8th at 8pm ET/5pm PT

Jennie Lee is a certified yoga therapist who has spent two decades coaching people in the healing tradition of classical yoga meditation. Using the practices she writes about in Breathing Love, Jennie helps people overcome grief, depression, anxiety, and stress as well as create lives filled with greater joy. Author of the award winning book True Yoga, Jennie’s writing has also been featured on dozens of wellness blogs and in magazines including the Huffington Post, Mind Body Green, Yoga Digest, and Yogi Times. She counsels via phone or Skype internationally and from her home studio on the island of O’ahu. Visit her online at

A Season of Hope


As the Holidays draw near, and dates are crossed off the calendar, we are encouraged to slow down and connect with those we love. Candle-lit dinners and frosty morning gatherings give our hearts a tingle of sentimentality, while gently reminding us this Season offers so much more.

Reflecting on this time of year, it’s brings something more than any gift could offer.  It’s a Season of encouragement, community and hope. In a world where there seems to be so much despair, I wonder what light I can bring and how can I make a difference to those that are suffering?  Even if it’s a simple smile, kind word or action, it can mean so much to those we encounter. Our hearts may never know the impact these small gestures will make. We all have the ability to bring light into someone’s life, in a powerful and meaningful way.

The Holiday lights that decorate our space, is a reminder of how interconnected we truly are. These tiny little lights illuminate a house, neighborhood and community with a certain magical quality.  As they cast their colorful, warm glow on snowy city streets or lonely country roads, together they pierce the darkness for miles around.

Join me in celebrating this Holiday Season by coming together in love and hope, to shine our light into the world.

Make Every Moment Count!

John Gray PhD & Chetan Parkyn on Moments with Marianne Radio Show

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It’s all about relationships tomorrow on the Moments with Marianne radio show! Did you love Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus series? Tune in FRIDAY, March 3rd at 5am & 5pm EST for a special interview on Moments with Marianne with John Gray PhD as we discuss his new book Beyond Mars and Venus, followed by The Book of Destinies with Human Design creator Chetan Parkyn.
Moments with Marianne is heard at Dreamvisions 7 Radio Network and WMEX 1510AM Boston. Listen LIVE FRIDAY, March 3rd at 5am & 5pm EST by clicking here
Beyond Mars and Venus with John Gray
John Gray is the author of the most well-known and trusted relationship book of all time, Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus. USA Today listed his book as one of the top 10 most influential books of the last quarter century. In hardcover, it was the #1 bestselling book of the 1990s. Dr. Gray’s books are translated into approximately 45 languages in more than 100 countries and continues to be a bestseller.
Dr. Gray has written over 20 books. His most recent book is Beyond Mars and Venus. His Mars/Venus book series has forever changed the way men and women view their relationships. He has appeared repeatedly on Oprah, as well as on The Dr. Oz Show, TODAY, CBS This Morning, Good Morning America, and others. He has been profiled in Time, Forbes, USA Today, and People. He was also the subject of a three hour special hosted by Barbara Walters.
The Book of Destinies with Chetan Parkyn
Chetan Parkyn has been giving Readings to people of all walks of life and all nationalities for over 35 years. He has spent the past 23 years mastering Human Design. He is more than a leading practitioner of the system. As the author of the first major book on the subject, which has been translated into eleven different language versions, he has made it his mission to bring Human Design to the whole world.

All You Need Is Love

February often has us thinking of Valentine’s Day and romance, but are we truly in love with the most important person in our life?
Think of someone you love unconditionally. How often is that same level of care, affection and devotion showered upon yourself? Typically, this answer falls far short of what we would consider loving behavior. With the ever alive self-critic and stream of negative input from the environment that surrounds us, it’s easy to fall into self disparaging comments and develop beliefs that don’t serve us. Discussions of self-love is often met with the criticism that its narcissistic, self-absorbed or egoistical to dedicate such devotion to yourself, however this couldn’t be further from the truth.
A self-loving practice teaches us to accept ourselves as we are. Love those qualities that make us celebrate and smile as our feet hit the floor every morning and the shadow characteristics, shrouded in pain that cause us to cringe and take shelter from the world. When we honestly love ourselves, the knowledge contained within our heart demands that we treated ourselves as the worthy, loveable, deserving, respected and forever cherished host.
Without loving ourselves first, we have nothing authentic and lasting to give someone else other than a momentary facade and fleeting vision of what we desire to become. Find the truth within your heart and love yourself beyond compare!
Make Every Moment Count!

Transform Your Life and Break Free of Limitations for Lasting Happiness


Join us Thursday at 5am & 5pm EDT – Transform Your Life and Break Free of Limitations for Lasting Happiness with bestselling author Amy Van Atta Slater on Moments with Marianne at Dreamvisions 7 Radio Network.

If you are unhappy, struggling through one challenge after another, and feeling disconnected from everyone, you are not alone.

Regardless of the reason,unhappiness can permeate every area of life if left unchecked. So is it possible to shift perspectives and live a life of happiness and peace? Engaging and practical, Amy’s new book Moments: Magic, Miracles and Martinis presents simple steps to take ownership of your happiness, health, love, and prosperity, towards a greater level of self awareness and success.

“Moments is a must read for anyone looking to overcome obstacles” – Douglas Wick, Oscar Award Winning Producer

Join Amy on a life-changing journey as she navigates the challenges of divorce, parenting, chronic Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and her father’s diagnosis of Lewy Body Dementia towards wellness and a fulfilling life. Using this remarkable book as your road map, learn how to gain greater empowerment and change your life to have lasting happiness.

You can listen to the show by click here at 5am & 5pm EDT!

3 Tips to Get Over Valentine’s Day Blues


Are you stuck in your PJs feeling like the month of February should be stricken from the calendar? With Valentine’s Day over, you now find yourself in either one of two categories; You feel elated that there was finally some much needed, romantic down time with your special someone, or are you feeling a bit blue because Valentine’s Day is just another reminder that you’re single and your “romantic dance card” looks more like the cast of Pride and Prejudice and Zombies.

If you find yourself in the later category, then these 3 simple tips will have you refocusing and finding love in your everyday life!

1) Let go of what love should look like and stand in appreciation of all the love that is currently in your life. This can be love from your family, friends, pets, strangers showing you “love” by opening doors or something as simple as a smile. You will not only become a happier person (who doesn’t want to be that!) but you will attract more loving relationships into your life. What a win-win situation and joy to be in!

2) Fix yourself up for YOU! Regardless where you are going during the day, headed out to get gas or pick up some groceries, tidy up your hair, makeup and clothing. The more you have pride in how you look the more confident you will become.  We all have different body types so don’t’ compare, love that uniqueness that is yours alone. The greatest love story of your life should be falling in love with yourself and the beautiful person that you are. Everything after that is just icing on the cake!

3) Give it away! If you are looking for love in your life and there isn’t any to be found, give it away.  Look to see what local charity you can be involved with, visit a nursing home spending time with some of the residents or help a neighbor with their groceries. When you give love away, it comes back to you!

Practicing these three steps will change how you view the world around you.  There is a happy life waiting for you, all you have to do is shift perspectives and show up.

US & UK Bestselling Author Marina J talks about her new book Turn Yourself On


Tune in on Friday, February 12th at 5am & 5pm EST as we talk with bestselling international author, relationship expert and coach, Marina J about her book TURN YOURSELF ON.

TURN YOURSELF ON is every woman’s handbook to get their fabulous back!  You know how it is…you feel like you’re going through the motions most days – you’re not depressed – but don’t feel you have much to look forward to either.  No one knows it of course, you are a very well put together package, but you feel it especially at night. You have a shelf full of self help books but everything you’ve done up until now has only taken you so far.  You’re still not in that life that’s waiting for you and you know theres greatness in you.  

But how do you become the Queen of overcoming the icky to get to fabulous… and easily? So you feel good with cherries on top? Especially when you’re down in the dumps? And just after you’ve just had a massive argument with him?

When you’re…

¥ Hurt or upset by what they just did to you
¥ Insecure because of what’s been going on
¥ Angry with yourself for sabotaging yourself again ¥ Crap at asking for what you want
¥ Ready for a big fat change
¥ And you’re ready to be uQerly fabulous?

Open this book at the exact page you need; every page is overflowing with an opulence of gorgeous tools, ideas and techniques, that will support you daily

Marina J teaches women one of the most important skills of all: How to get your fabulous back after upset with him, with her or with life – because your happiness is everything!  Her smart, uplifting and poignant approach will have you laughing, healing deeply and yes, flourishing like the woman you were born to be! She does the deep stuff and the sparkly gorgeous stuff too. A relationship expert, international best selling author and speaker, Marina has helped thousands of women around the world live the life they always knew they were meant to be in.


Finding Love in Your Day


As the month of February begins, many of us are drawn to thoughts of Valentine’s Day, where it’s expected that we should shower our special loved one with token devotions of our love.  But what if your relationship isn’t all that great or you’re single and starting to feel a little down because another Valentine’s Day is on the horizon without a viable romantic interest in sight?

Have you every looked around to see the love that already surrounds you on a daily basis?  The type of Love I’m talking about isn’t romantic by any means, but the outpouring of caring and compassion towards others.

I wake up everyday, deeply grateful for all of the amazing, and wonderful people in my life and the love they bless me with.  I have learned that if we let go of what love should look like and stand in appreciation of the love that is currently in our lives, not only are we happier people (who doesn’t want to be that!) but we will attract more loving relationships into our lives.

I recently had the pleasure of interviewing Alan Cohen, and one of his quotes speaks so eloquently to this.  “You can only see in someone else what you see in yourself”. How can I be a good  boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, wife, neighbor, friend or member of my community and love others if I have yet to fall in love with who it is that I am?

As my mentor Judy Goodman said in her latest newsletter, “Whatever is lacking in your own life, give it away to another person”.  If you are not feeling loved, have you been loving towards your friends and family.  How about a stranger?  A simple smile, opening the door for someone, offering to help at a local soup kitchen or letting someone get in the lane in front of you can be a simple, yet profound gesture of love.

This month I am encouraging all of my friends (and this includes you!) to find love in your everyday journey.

It Takes All 5: A Single Mom’s Guide to Finding the REAL One


Regardless of the circumstances that lead to single motherhood, the outcome of the experience for tens of millions of women is traumatic and life altering.

Do you feel as though a tornado of emotional and practical challenges have rocked your world?

Are there days you feel you will never be able to piece your life back together; and perhaps worse you’ll never be desirable or worthy of having true love again? Pick up the Moments with Marianne book club read of the month, It Takes All 5 by Kerri Zane!

You can order the book here!

How to Have Better Relationships in 2016!


Did you miss the heart inspiring interview today as we kick off the New Year on Moments with Marianne with relationship experts Arielle Ford and Kerri Zane? You can catch the next airing on January 2nd at 5am EST or January 7th at 5pm EST.  You can listen to the archive of this show with Arielle Ford and Kerri Zane by clicking here!

Arielle Ford is a leading personality in the personal growth and contemporary spirituality movement. For the past 25 years she has been living, teaching, and promoting consciousness through all forms of media. Her stellar career includes years as a prominent book publicist, bestselling author, literary agent, TV lifestyle reporter, television producer, radio host, publishing consultant, relationship expert, speaker, columnist and blogger for the Huffington Post. You can visit her website at:

Kerri Zane is an Emmy Award winning executive TV producer, Huffington Post contributor, single mom lifestyle expert, spokesperson, keynote speaker and Amazon best selling author. She has an M.A. in Spiritual Psychology from the University of Santa Monica and a B.A. in Sociology from UCLA.
You can visit Kerri’s website at:


Life in Life: Live Longer, Strengthen Your Relationships, and Create a Healthier Life by Dr. Laurie Ann Levin

laurieannIlluminate your spirit. Cherish your well-being. Become a source of positivity in the world. Find your life in life.

For centuries, experts have extolled the virtues of meditation, and countless people have used it to become happier, live longer, strengthen relationships, and create healthier lives. Studies show that just a few moments of meditation each day can be extremely beneficial to overall well-being.

In Life in Life, Dr. Laurie Ann Levin, award-winning author and renowned holistic psychologist, guides you effortlessly into loving yourself through meditations that spark connection to your highest self. An interactive, easy-to-use, personal journal, Life in Life will inspire individual exploration and spiritual expansion with exercises that build insight, intuition, and a capacity for calm.

Almost all of us struggle with destructive thinking and toxic self-criticism. Life in Life can help you overcome past traumas in your career, relationships, health, and love. Whether you are beginning your journey or have experience meditating, Life in Life will elevate you to a new level of wholeness. The exercises in this journal can be done anywhere, anytime, in private, with a partner, or in a group.

Let Life in Life  guide you on your daily journey toward well-being as you learn to love . . . both yourself and others at the same time.

Click here to order your copy today!

Love is in Stars with Celebrity Psychic Brad Kronen


Join me on Friday, Nov 27th at 5pm EST & Saturday, Nov 21st at 5am EST with special guest Brad Kronen on Moments with Marianne at 1510AM WMEX BOSTON and Dreamvisions 7 Radio Network as we talk about his new book Love in the Stars! This promises to be a fun and enlightening interview!

Are you curious about whether your crush or current flame is a match made in the stars? Whether you’re looking for love, already dating, or just curious about your compatibility with other signs, author Brad Kronen provides everything you need to know about your astrological love matches.

Understanding each sign’s basic energy pattern can make winning someone’s heart easy. No matter what the stars reveal—a propensity for harmony and romance, a challenging “star-crossed” attraction, or a passionate pairing with more fireworks than the Fourth of July—Love in the Stars shows you the most effective way to pursue, woo, and be happy with your objet d’amour of ANY sun sign.

Visit Brad’s website at:

Moments With Marianne is heard on Dreamvisions 7 Radio Network every Thursday & Friday at 5pm & 5amEST, Saturdays at 5am EST and every 2nd Sunday at 8pmEST when Dreamvisions 7 Radio Network is live at 1510am WMEX Boston, with over 1 Million listeners in over 135 countries.

To listen to the show on Friday at 5am & 5pm EST visit this link:

Love in the Stars by Brad Kronen


Are you curious about whether your crush or current flame is a match made in the stars? Whether you’re looking for love, already dating, or just curious about your compatibility with other signs, author Brad Kronen provides everything you need to know about your astrological love matches.

Understanding each sign’s basic energy pattern can make winning someone’s heart easy. No matter what the stars reveal—a propensity for harmony and romance, a challenging “star-crossed” attraction, or a passionate pairing with more fireworks than the Fourth of July—Love in the Stars shows you the most effective way to pursue, woo, and be happy with your objet d’amour of ANY sun sign.

Visit Brad’s website at:

Connecting with Loved Ones Who Have Passed with Lynn Van Praagh Gratton


Join me on Friday, November 6th at 5am & 5pm EST with special guest, Celebrity Psychic Medium Lynn Van Praagh-Gratton on Moments with Marianne on Dreamvisions 7 Radio Network as we discuss Connecting with Loved Ones Who Have Passed & Signs from the Other Side,

It wasn’t until Lynn met a woman who told her that she is “A Bridge Between Worlds” that everything fell in place. It was that simple phrase that connected for her the journey on which she’d been on, and the road on which she was to continues to travel. Lynn likens her calling to being on the precipice of an abyss, hearing whispers and seeing images of those desperately looking for someone to hear them. She stands on that bridge, arms outstretched to embrace and give voice to those who need to speak and deliver messages of love and comfort to those here on Earth in pain. 

You can visit Lynn’s website at:

Moments With Marianne is heard on Dreamvisions 7 Radio Network every Thursday & Friday at 5pm & 5amEST and every 2nd Sunday at 8pmEST when Dreamvisions 7 Radio Network is live at 1510am WMEX Boston, with over 1 Million listeners in over 135 countries.

To listen to the show on Friday at 5am & 5pm EST visit this link: