Wildcard with Marie Lu
Thursday, December 13th at 8pm ET/5pm PT

Marie Lu is the #1 New York Times bestselling author of The Young Elites series, as well as the blockbuster bestselling Legend series. She graduated from the University of Southern California and jumped into the video game industry as an artist. Now a full-time writer, she spends her spare time reading, drawing, playing games, and getting stuck in traffic. www.Marielubooks.com 

City of Death with Ephraim Mattos
Monday, November 12th at 8pm ET/5pm PT

Former US Navy SEAL Ephraim Mattos teamed up with New York Times best-selling author Scott McEwen (American Sniper) to write City of Death: Humanitarian Warriors in the Battle of MosulCity of Death tells the unforgettable story of an American warrior turned humanitarian forced to fight his way into and out of a Hell on Earth created by ISIS. https://www.wmrgrp.com/ephraim-mattos/ 

Mastering Fear with Brandon Webb
Sunday, September 16th at 8pm ET/5pm PT

Brandon is a New York Times bestselling author, and is regularly featured in international media as a military and Special Operations subject matter expert. He has contributed to ABC’s Good Morning America, NBC’s Today Show, FOX news, CNN, the BBC, SIRIUS XM, MSNBC, and The New York Times. http://brandontylerwebb.com 

Funny Planet with Ken Jennings
Thursday, August 23rd at 8pm ET/5pm PT

Ken Jennings grew up in Seoul, South Korea, where he became a daily devotee of the quiz show Jeopardy! In 2004, he successfully auditioned for a spot on the show and went on an unprecedented seventy-four game victory streak worth $2.52 million. Jennings’s book Brainiac, about his Jeopardy! adventures, was a critically acclaimed New York Times bestseller, as were his follow-up books Maphead and Because I Said So! Jennings is the host of the Omnibus podcast. http://www.ken-jennings.com

Waking Up In Winter with Cheryl Richardson
Saturday, January 6th at 8pm ET/5pm PT

Cheryl Richardson is the New York Times bestselling author of several books including, Take Time for Your Life, Life Makeovers, Stand Up for Your Life, The Unmistakable Touch of Grace, The Art of Extreme Self Care and her new book with Louise Hay called You Can Create an Exceptional Life. She was the first president of the International Coach Federation. Her work has been covered widely in the media including Good Morning America, The Today Show, CBS This Morning, New York Times, USA Today, Good Housekeeping, and O Magazine. She was the team leader for the Lifestyle Makeover Series on the Oprah Winfrey Show and she accompanied Ms. Winfrey on the “Live Your Best Life” nationwide tour.  http://www.cherylrichardson.com

The Newcomers with Helen Thorpe
Thursday, January 4th at 8pm ET/5pm PT

Helen Thorpe is an award-winning journalist who lives in Denver, Colorado. She has been a staff writer for the New York Observer, The New Yorker, and Texas Monthly. She has also written freelance stories for the New York Times Magazine, Slate, and other publications. Her radio stories have aired on This American Life and Sound Print. The Newcomers is her third book. www.helenthorpe.com

John Gray PhD & Chetan Parkyn on Moments with Marianne Radio Show

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It’s all about relationships tomorrow on the Moments with Marianne radio show! Did you love Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus series? Tune in FRIDAY, March 3rd at 5am & 5pm EST for a special interview on Moments with Marianne with John Gray PhD as we discuss his new book Beyond Mars and Venus, followed by The Book of Destinies with Human Design creator Chetan Parkyn.
Moments with Marianne is heard at Dreamvisions 7 Radio Network and WMEX 1510AM Boston. Listen LIVE FRIDAY, March 3rd at 5am & 5pm EST by clicking here http://rdo.to/DREAM7
Beyond Mars and Venus with John Gray
John Gray is the author of the most well-known and trusted relationship book of all time, Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus. USA Today listed his book as one of the top 10 most influential books of the last quarter century. In hardcover, it was the #1 bestselling book of the 1990s. Dr. Gray’s books are translated into approximately 45 languages in more than 100 countries and continues to be a bestseller.
Dr. Gray has written over 20 books. His most recent book is Beyond Mars and Venus. His Mars/Venus book series has forever changed the way men and women view their relationships. He has appeared repeatedly on Oprah, as well as on The Dr. Oz Show, TODAY, CBS This Morning, Good Morning America, and others. He has been profiled in Time, Forbes, USA Today, and People. He was also the subject of a three hour special hosted by Barbara Walters. https://www.marsvenus.com
The Book of Destinies with Chetan Parkyn
Chetan Parkyn has been giving Readings to people of all walks of life and all nationalities for over 35 years. He has spent the past 23 years mastering Human Design. He is more than a leading practitioner of the system. As the author of the first major book on the subject, which has been translated into eleven different language versions, he has made it his mission to bring Human Design to the whole world. https://www.humandesignforusall.com

A Course in Miracles Made Easy with Alan Cohen

Join us on Friday, January 29th at 5pm EST & Saturday, January 30th at 5am EST as we talk to best-selling author Alan Cohen on Moments with Marianne at 1510AM WMEX BOSTON and Dreamvisions 7 Radio Network.
Alan Cohen, M.A., is the author of 24 popular inspirational books, including the best-selling The Dragon Doesn’t Live Here Anymore, the award-winning A Deep Breath of Life, and the classic Are You as Happy as Your Dog? and his newest best-seller A Course In Miracles Made Easy.  Alan is a contributing writer for the New York Times #1 bestselling series Chicken Soup for the Soul, and his books have been translated into 24 foreign languages. His work has been featured on Oprah and in USA Today, The Washington Post and 101 Top Experts.
Alan is a respected keynoter and seminar leader for professional meetings in the fields of personal growth, inspiration, holistic health, human relations, and achievement of work/life balance. He has served as Instructor of Individual and Group Dynamics at Montclair State College, stood on the faculty of Omega Institute for Holistic Studies, and is a professor at EnTheos Academy for Optimal Living. He has appeared on national radio and television, including Good Morning shows around the nation, and his seminars have regularly been broadcast via satellite on the Wisdom Channel and on Gaiam TV. He is a featured presenter in the award-winning documentary Finding Joe, celebrating the teachings of visionary mythologist Joseph Campbell.
You can visit Alan’s website to purchase the books and for upcoming events! http://www.alancohen.com
Moments With Marianne is heard on Dreamvisions 7 Radio Network every Thursday & Friday at 5pm & 5amEST, Saturdays at 5am EST and every 2nd Sunday at 8pmEST when Dreamvisions 7 Radio Network is live at 1510AM WMEX Boston with listeners in over 135 countries.
To listen to the show visit this link at the airing times: