Emily A. Francis Celebrates Release of New Book ‘The Taste of Joy’ with Llewellyn Books

Emily A. Francis Celebrates Release of New Book ‘The Taste of Joy’ With Llewellyn Books

After moving to the Mediterranean with her family during the 2020 pandemic, Emily A. Francis learned insider secrets to one of the healthiest lifestyles in the world. In her new book, The Taste of Joy: Mediterranean Wisdom for a Life Worth Savoringpublished by Llewellyn Books (Jan. 8, 2023), Emily shares insights on how anyone can improve their wellness and invigorate their soul.

While not everyone can move to the island of Malta, The Taste of Joy shares the importance of living simply, mindfully, and naturally while nourishing body and soul. Discover the path to happiness as Emily recounts eye-opening experiences with a country and culture that made her come alive. Using food as a metaphor for life, this book highlights local methods for harvesting and cooking while exploring Mediterranean values. Emily’s pearls of wisdom and a handful of recipes create moments of bliss that can be relished everywhere.

Emily A. Francis is a highly sought-after speaker, bestselling author, and wellness expert with an array of education and experience spanning over 25 years. Her knowledge of the body and the body/mind connection is extensive, and her commitment to total body, mind, and spirit wellness is her driving force. Emily has a BS in Exercise Science and Wellness, a minor in nutrition, and a Master’s degree in Physical Education/Human Performance. She hosts the internet radio show “All About Healing” on Healthy Life Radio. In moving to Malta, Emily has become deeply involved with local food production on the island. She writes a regular column titled “Emily in Malta,” in the local tourism magazine Oh My Malta, where she interviews local farmers, fishermen, and chefs on single-ingredient farming. https://www.emilyafrancisbooks.com 

Hay House author Karen V. Johnson, JD, awarded Silver Nautilus Award

‘Living Grieving’ by Hay House Author Karen V. Johnson, JD, is a 2022 Silver Nautilus Book Award Winner

Hay House author Karen V. Johnson, JD, was awarded the Silver Nautilus Award for her new book Living Grieving: Using Energy Medicine to Alchemize Grief and Loss. Based on Karen’s heartbreaking journey of losing her son to a drug overdose, she blends her personal journey through grief with the transformative healing path she discovered along the way.

Karen V. Johnson’s fast-paced professional life came to an abrupt halt when she lost her 27-year-old son to a heroin overdose. Rather than grieve in a way that made people around her comfortable, she did the unexpected. She left her lifetime appointment as a Federal Judge of over 30 years, sold her house and all her belongings, and went on a two-and-a-half-year journey that took her all over the world, finding a healing and spiritual practice along the way.

Karen didn’t think she could ever find her way out of despair, but she found a process that worked – a sacred journey and map through grief and loss that she shares with others so they can heal too. The Hay House, Nautilus award-winning book Living Grieving: Using Energy Medicine to Alchemize Grief and Loss offers simple-to-use tools to address grief and loss of any kind. Including grief and loss of:

  • a passed loved one
  • a beloved pet
  • a former way of life
  • a job
  • a home
  • a sense of self

Karen V. Johnson, JD, MPH, MPIA, is a graduate of Georgetown Law Center (J.D.), a former Fulbright Scholar in Afghanistan, and holds Master’s Degrees in Public Health and Public and International Affairs (MPH, MPIA). Karen is a retired federal administrative law judge who practiced criminal and energy law for more than 30 years and is a former U.S. Army JAG officer, Major, USAR (inactive). Karen has trained extensively in the techniques of Illumination, Soul Retrieval, Extractions of Energies and Entities, Divination, and Death Rites. www.karenjohnson.net

It’s not possible to go back to the life we lived before grief and loss, but we don’t have to remain stuck in the overwhelming emotions of guilt, anger, fear, resentment, and despair – a stagnant place of lifelessness. Join Karen and create a new and powerful self-realized life by visiting her website at www.KarenJohnson.net.

…Johnson doesn’t skimp on discussing more practical measures for facing grief. She writes with candor on the challenge of training her mind to meditate, of the power of ‘living consequently,’ and the value of seeking out and welcoming new experiences.” – BookLife Review

Readers enduring bereavement are sure to see themselves in her bleak confessions of anguish and take comfort from her warm encouragement to undertake new beginnings.” – Kirkus Review

Burning Shield

In the Moments with Marianne book club Burning Shield: The Jason Schechterle Story by Landon J. Napoleon

Growing up, Jason Schechterle had one dream – to serve as a Phoenix Police Officer. After serving four years in the Air Force, at the age 26, Jason achieved his goal to work on the streets of Phoenix as a rookie police officer. Then, only 14 months into what was supposed to be a life-long career, Jason’s life took an unexpected, dramatic and, at the time, tragic turn.

To listen to the interview click here!

To order the book click here!

The Paradise Table

In the Moments with Marianne book club The Paradise Table: a Kate Grace Mystery by Maryann Ridini Spencer 

Maryann Ridini Spencer follows up with her award-winning novel Lady in the Window with another enticing and empowering page-turner. The Paradise Table, with its touches of divine inspiration, demonstrates how out of heartbreak and loss, and with the love of ohana (friends and family), we can find hope, healing, and understanding.

Click here to listen to the interview!

Click here to order your copy!

The Henna Artist by Alka Joshi

Moments with Marianne book club pick for June is The Henna Artist by Alka Joshi!  This remarkable novel that will transport you to another place and time. A beautifully crafted and intoxicating read, The Henna Artist is filled with color, tradition, and bravery, as 30-year old henna artist Lakshmi Shastri sets out on her own to redefine her life and pursue her dreams.  At the pinnacle of her career, Lakshmi’s past soon comes to haunt her, but is everything really what it seems?

You can listen to the segment here, Enjoy!

Order you copy here!


John Assaraf’s Innercise Defines the Difference Between ‘Interested’ and ‘Committed’


John Assaraf’s Innercise Defines the Difference Between ‘Interested’ and ‘Committed’

by staff writer Victoria Davis

Brain blocks are a part of everyday life. It might come in the form of procrastination, where an assignment or project just seems too daunting to even begin. It could also look like depression, giving up on goals due to previous failures, or even the mere thought of failing. Whether it’s a physical, mental or emotional block, New York Times bestselling author and entrepreneur John Assaraf believes it can all be overcome with this question: “Are you ‘interested’ or are you ‘committed?’ This is the foundation of Assaraf’s latest book, Innercise: The New Science to Unlock Your Brain’s Hidden Power. 

Having started as a high school drop-out with patchy—and not entirely law abiding—minimum wage work experience, Assaraf says in the intro of his book that he had a “shallow” understanding of success. Even after receiving life-changing guidance from a successful business tycoon, building five multi-million-dollar companies and appearing on shows like Larry King and Ellen, Assaraf says this “life in the fast lane” cost him his health, his family and his sanity. What makes Innercise unique, is it’s not a get-rich-quick scheme or a book of brain games. It’s an honest and scientific approach about living life to the fullest. 

The book begins with a quote by Napoleon Hill, reading, “Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.” This sets the tone for the rest of Assaraf’s work, constantly driving home the point that our brains are masterpieces of engineering at our ambition’s disposal. We can do whatever we set our minds to, using the same mind-over-matter exercises used by pro athletes, Navy SEALS, CEOs and astronauts. But there is another point Assaraf aims for audiences to understand—there must be a balance between “success” and “survival.” 

There are three parts to Assaraf’s book: “Know Thy Brain,” “Master Your Thoughts and Emotions” and “Master Your Behavior.” The first part of the book dives into the nooks and crannies of our brains, where thousands upon thousands of neurons are firing away to make the system function. We are “goal setting machines,” according to Assaraf, but our brain’s primary purpose is to ensure our survival, not our success. However, by using the tools our bodies were born with, there can be a balance between our health and our happiness. This, in turn, allows us to fully and sanely commit to our ambitions, rather than harboring a mere interest, only following through with what is convenient. 

Not only is Innercise a book that helps unlock the secrets to success but is refreshing in the way Assaraf illustrates how to thrive in business, relationships and personal health. Though it relies heavily on professional research, the chapters are not crowded with scientific jargon. Rather, it draws audiences in with common thoughts, feelings and emotions the average dreamer wrestles with. This not only makes the book easier to understand, but also makes it more relatable, helping readers to understand what it means to fully “commit” to the life you imagined for yourself.

Annual Open Solicitation for Authors

Once a year we host an open solicitation for established & promising authors who are looking for leadership and guidance in an inclusive representation of their work.

For consideration, request a complimentary brief consultation by emailing Marianne Pestana at Marianne@MariannePestana.com

Fly Girls: The Daring American Women Pilots Who Helped Win WWII by P. O’Connell Pearson

In the tradition of Hidden Figures, debut author Patricia O’Connell Pearson offers a beautifully written account of the remarkable but often forgotten group of female fighter pilots who answered their country’s call in its time of need during World War II in Fly Girls.

Patricia is a former history teacher with a master’s degree in education from George Mason University. She has contributed to and edited history textbooks and published articles in magazines and newspapers including The Washington Post. Always enthusiastic about sharing the stories of history, she earned her MFA in writing for young people from Lesley University and now writes both historical fiction and nonfiction. When she is not writing about history, she can often be found talking about history as a volunteer with the National Park Service in Washington, DC.



Posted in Blog, Books

Making Every Moment Count with Marianne Pestana on The Self Improvement Show with Dr. Irene Conlan


Make Every Moment Count with Marianne Pestana on The Self Improvement Show with Dr. Irene Conlan, LIVE TODAY, Thursday, March 16th at 12pm PDT/1pm MDT.

New books are published every day. Sometimes we see advertisements about them, get information about them in email or get a pop-up as we surf the net. We may see promotions on YouTube or interviews on the news with an author whose book caught on and is on the way to becoming a best seller or has already hit the top of the bestseller list. Most of us don’t think about what it took to make that happen—the coaching, publicity, bookings, book signings, radio show appearances, and YouTube videos. It takes a lot of work on the part of someone or a group of “someones” to make all of that happen. Our guest today is a literary publicist with clients who have hit the best seller list. She will talk with us about what she does to help her clients succeed in the very competitive literary world. What does it take to get your work noticed and sold? She makes every moment count and will help you learn how to do the same.

Click here to listen live!

The Self Improvement Show with Dr. Irene Conlan

Thursday at 12 Noon Pacific Time on VoiceAmerica Empowerment Channel

The Self Improvement Show was created because almost everyone wants to be better, do better, and achieve more, but we don’t always know how to do that. We aren’t looking for perfection. We are simply trying to improve in ways that allow us more happiness, contentment and success with some laughter along the way. We address issues common to us all and suggest useful tools that will help you tap into your strengths and your wonderful uniqueness. We think most self improvement is an “inside job” so we talk a lot about how to “go within” to make lasting changes. We talk to people who have struggled and won and have great stories to tell as well as those who live ordinary lives in extraordinary ways. The show is laid back, informative and down to earth. The welcome mat is always out and we invite you to join us.

Click here to visit The Self Improvement Show with Dr. Irene Conlan to learn more about her!

Choosing Hope

KaitlinKaitlin Roig-DeBellis is the first-grade teacher at Sandy Hook Elementary School who saved her entire class of fifteen six- and-seven-year-olds from the tragic events that took place on December 14, 2012, by piling them into a single-occupancy bathroom within her classroom, mere feet from the brutal and indiscriminate massacre taking place outside the door. Since then, despite the unimaginably painful experiences she endured, she has chosen to share her experience with others, in the hope that they too can find light in dark moments.

Kaitlin is the Founder & Executive Director of Classes 4 Classes, Inc., a 501(c)3 organization. Kaitlin founded Classes 4 Classes knowing that positive social change was needed, and that this needed to begin with the youngest members of our society, our K-8 students. Classes 4 Classes is a social networking tool, for every student in the United States to learn: compassion, caring, kindness, empathy, consideration, through active engagement. Classes 4 Classes has worked with over 1,000 students in 10 states. In 2015 they are expanding to all 50 states.

Choosing Hope is a lot of things. A written witness to a tragedy that will never be forgotten. A gripping firsthand testament to the power of good over the power of destruction. An inspirational memoir by a brave young woman whose story is one of courage, heroism, faith, and resilience. And a celebration of all the people who make the choice to pass along their hope and positivity to young ones—parents, mentors, and especially teachers. There is no moving on, but there is always moving forward. And how we move forward is a choice.

You can visit Choose Hope & Classes 4 Classes Here!

“Teachers rescue children every day by teaching them the skills they need to succeed in life.  But no teacher expects to have to rescue her students from a deadly attack.  Kaitlin Roig’s quick thinking and swift action saved her students’ lives. In her book, Choosing Hope, Kaitlin honors the memory of the children and educators whose lives were lost on that sad day.” — Mrs. Laura Bush, Former First Lady of the United States 

Choosing Hope is a stirring memoir, capturing not only the brutality of the Sandy Hook tragedy but the incredible heroism, resilience and grace that emerged in its wake. Kaitlin Roig-DeBellis’s deep love for her students makes this a bold, inspiring and ultimately hopeful book.”  — Arianna Huffington, co-founder and editor-in-chief of The Huffington Post and author of the New York Times bestseller Thrive

Click here at 5am & 5pm EST to listen to the show! http://rdo.to/DREAM7

“Moments with Marianne” is a transformative hour that covers an endless array of topics with the ‘best of the best.’ Her guest are leaders in their fields, ranging from inspirational authors, top industry leaders, business and spiritual entrepreneurs. Each guest is gifted, and a true visionary! A recognized leader in her own work, and while teaching others to develop, refocus, and grow; Marianne will bring the best guest, and sometimes a special surprise. Don’t miss this – you never know just which ‘moment’ will change your life forever.

Moments with Marianne is available on Dreamvisions 7 Radio Network and WMEX 1510AM Boston every Thursday & Friday at 5am & 5pm EST and every second Sunday at 8pm EST with over 1 Million Listeners in over 135 countries.

Conscious Writing: Discover Your True Voice Through Mindfulness and More with Hay House UK author Julia McCutchen

Did you miss the interview with Julia McCutchen last week?  Get your creative juices flowing with this inspiring conversation!  Make sure to tune in on Thursday, February 11th at 5am EST & 5pm EST as we talk to Julia who is an intuitive mentor, the author of two books including her latest Conscious Writing: Discover Your True Voice Through Mindfulness and More (Hay House) and the founder & creative director of the International Association of Conscious & Creative Writers (IACCW). 

Following a successful career as a publisher of books on spiritual and personal development (Element and Random House), a life changing accident in 1999 triggered a series of major quantum leaps in her own spiritual awakening. She left the world of publishing to prioritise exploring the deepest mystery of conscious and creative truth.

Today, Julia teaches conscious (self-realisation) creativity (self-expression), and conscious writing, and is dedicated to opening the way for people to wake up to the truth of who they are, and live consciously and creatively in the world. Her speciality is to bring deep intuitive insight to guide people to access their true voice, and to write consciously and creatively from the level of the true self.

Julia loves working with people at all stages of the creative process, from the early days before any writing has been done right through to guiding experienced writers to shift their work onto new levels of originality and impact. Her approach is deeply holistic and combines the inner journey of conscious and creative self-discovery with the practical steps required for all kinds of creativity, writing and publishing books, articles, and written materials of all kinds.

In 2014, Julia was included in WE Magazine Top100 Women in Ecommerce, and lives with her husband in Wiltshire near to the beautiful Georgian city of Bath in the south west of England.

For more information see www.JuliaMcCutchen.com and www.iaccw.com

Moments With Marianne is heard on Dreamvisions 7 Radio Network every Thursday & Friday at 5pm & 5amEST, Saturdays at 5am EST and every 2nd Sunday at 8pmEST when Dreamvisions 7 Radio Network is live at 1510am WMEX Boston with over 1 Million listeners in over 135 countries.
To listen to the show visit this link at the airing times: 

Conscious Writing: How to Write from Your Heart with the Voice of Your Soul by Julia McCutchen

Conscious Writing by Hay House UK author Julia McCutchen is an original approach to creative awakening which leads you to discover your true self and express your true voice – on the page and in the world. It’s a journey of self-realization (conscious) and self-expression (creativity) which can be applied to any and all types of writing, and fluently blends soul with craft to reveal your richest insights and ideas.

Whether you dream of writing but haven’t started yet or are an experienced author, Julia will guide you through this tried and tested step-by-step process for releasing your fears and writing what you are truly here to write. Drawing on an inspiring mix of perennial wisdom, psychological research and modern neuroscience, she teaches how to:

·         Apply the 7 Core Principles for individual experience of transpersonal Truth, and emerge transformed and ready to write.
·         Align all aspects of yourself – body, emotions, mind and soul – to bring your whole self to the creative writing process.
·         Dive into deep creative flow and play with possibilities in the quantum realm of infinite potential.
·         Visit the Conscious Writing Sanctuary, a powerful inner space out of which timeless words flow freely.
·         Realize your full potential and effortlessly stand out from the crowd as you express yourself consciously and creatively as an author in the world.

Conscious Writing is a truly wonderful book that will sit next to Writing Down the Bones and other classics on writing, and will be well-used by me!’- Robert Holden, author of Happiness NOW and Shift Happens

To order the book click here!