John Assaraf’s Innercise Defines the Difference Between ‘Interested’ and ‘Committed’
by staff writer Victoria Davis
Brain blocks are a part of everyday life. It might come in the form of procrastination, where an assignment or project just seems too daunting to even begin. It could also look like depression, giving up on goals due to previous failures, or even the mere thought of failing. Whether it’s a physical, mental or emotional block, New York Times bestselling author and entrepreneur John Assaraf believes it can all be overcome with this question: “Are you ‘interested’ or are you ‘committed?’ This is the foundation of Assaraf’s latest book, Innercise: The New Science to Unlock Your Brain’s Hidden Power.
Having started as a high school drop-out with patchy—and not entirely law abiding—minimum wage work experience, Assaraf says in the intro of his book that he had a “shallow” understanding of success. Even after receiving life-changing guidance from a successful business tycoon, building five multi-million-dollar companies and appearing on shows like Larry King and Ellen, Assaraf says this “life in the fast lane” cost him his health, his family and his sanity. What makes Innercise unique, is it’s not a get-rich-quick scheme or a book of brain games. It’s an honest and scientific approach about living life to the fullest.
The book begins with a quote by Napoleon Hill, reading, “Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.” This sets the tone for the rest of Assaraf’s work, constantly driving home the point that our brains are masterpieces of engineering at our ambition’s disposal. We can do whatever we set our minds to, using the same mind-over-matter exercises used by pro athletes, Navy SEALS, CEOs and astronauts. But there is another point Assaraf aims for audiences to understand—there must be a balance between “success” and “survival.”
There are three parts to Assaraf’s book: “Know Thy Brain,” “Master Your Thoughts and Emotions” and “Master Your Behavior.” The first part of the book dives into the nooks and crannies of our brains, where thousands upon thousands of neurons are firing away to make the system function. We are “goal setting machines,” according to Assaraf, but our brain’s primary purpose is to ensure our survival, not our success. However, by using the tools our bodies were born with, there can be a balance between our health and our happiness. This, in turn, allows us to fully and sanely commit to our ambitions, rather than harboring a mere interest, only following through with what is convenient.
Not only is Innercise a book that helps unlock the secrets to success but is refreshing in the way Assaraf illustrates how to thrive in business, relationships and personal health. Though it relies heavily on professional research, the chapters are not crowded with scientific jargon. Rather, it draws audiences in with common thoughts, feelings and emotions the average dreamer wrestles with. This not only makes the book easier to understand, but also makes it more relatable, helping readers to understand what it means to fully “commit” to the life you imagined for yourself.