The Taste of Joy with Emily Francis
Tuesday, January 10th at 3pm PST/6pm ESTWhat can living in the Mediterranean teach you about creating a Delicious Life?
Emily A. Francis has a BS in Exercise Science and Wellness with a minor in nutrition and a masters degree in Human Performance. Since moving to the Mediterranean, she has been writing a regular column in the local tourism magazine, Oh My Malta titled Emily In Malta, where she interviews local farmers, fishermen and chefs about the way foods are grown, harvested, caught and prepared on the island. She also reviews restaurants for a collaborative column titled A Chef and a Foodie On Tour, and works as a contributing writer for Malta’s Gourmet Today Magazine.
Procrastination with Fuchsia Sirois, PhD
Friday, January 6th at 10am PST/1pm ESTWhat causes us to procrastinate and is there something we ca do change that?
Fuschia Sirois, PhD, is a Professor of Social and Health Psychology at Durham University, and a former Canada Research Chair in Health and Well-being. Prof Sirois’ research focuses on understanding the psychological factors and qualities that confer risk or resilience for physical health and well-being outcomes through self-regulation and emotions. For over 20 years she has researched the causes and consequences of procrastination, and in particular the health consequences of procrastination, as well as how emotions play a key role in explaining why people procrastinate. Her research also examines the role of positive psychology traits, states, and interventions for supporting self-regulation and enhancing health and well-being She has authored over a 120 peer-reviewed journal papers, over 200 conference papers, and edited two books. Her research has been funded by a number of national funding agencies including the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, Canada, The Economic and Social Research Council (UK), and the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (UK). Follow her on Twitter at @FuschiaSirois
Living Reiki with Melissa Tipton
Sunday, February 17th at 8pm ET/5pm PTMelissa Tipton is a tarot reader, Reiki Master, and licensed massage therapist. She has been practicing yoga for over a decade and discovered that it complements ancient knowledge very well.
Never Binge Again with Glenn Livingston PhD
Monday, February 11th at 8pm ET/5pm PTGlenn Livingston, Ph.D. is a veteran psychologist and was the long time CEO of a multi-million dollar consulting firm which has serviced several Fortune 500 clients in the food industry. You may have seen his previous work, theories, and research in major periodicals like The New York Times, The Los Angeles Times, The Chicago Sun Times, The Indiana Star Ledger, The NY Daily News, American Demographics, and other media.
Crude Blessings with T.M. "Roe" Patterson
Monday, February 4th at 8pm ET/5pm PTT. M. “Roe” Patterson is a 23-year industry veteran in the oil and gas services business. He was promoted to president and chief executive officer of Basic Energy Services (Basic) in September 2013 and was recognized as the Top Public Company CEO by the Fort Worth Business Press for 2014. Prior to his recent appointment, he served as the company’s senior vice president and chief operating officer from 2011 to 2013. Patterson began his tenure at Basic in 2006 and has held multiple positions in executive leadership since joining the company.
Souls on Earth with Dr. Linda Backman
Sunday, February 3rd at 8pm ET/5pm PTDr. Linda Backman, psychologist and regression therapist, has been in private practice for 40 years. Dr. Backman guides individuals in soul regression hypnotherapy to access their past and between lives. In this way, she assists people to more fully recognize who they are as a soul throughout repetitive lifetimes, and during the time we are not incarnate, as well as in discovering their soul intention for this life.
Sugar Land with Tammy Lynne Stoner
Monday, January 7th at 8pm ET/5pm PTTammy Lynne Stoner’s work has been selected for more than a dozen published collections and literary journals. She was nominated for a Million Writers Award and earned her MFA from Antioch University. Stemming from what her grandmother calls her “gypsy blood,” tammy has lived in 15 cities, working as a biscuit maker, a medical experimentee, a forklift operator, a gas station attendant, and a college instructor, among other odd jobs. She is the creator of Dottie’s Magic Pockets and the publisher of Gertrude Press, based in in Portland, OR.
The Metabolic Makeover with Tiffany Breeding PhD
Friday, January 4th at 8pm ET/5pm PTTiffany Breeding PhD, AKA Dr. Tiff, earned her Masters in Kinesiology/Performance Psychology from Georgia Southern and her PhD in Health and Human Performance from Middle Tennessee State. Breeding is also a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (NSCA) and Fitness Nutrition Specialist (NASM). For the past 7 years, Tiffany has been providing corporate and executive performance to clients through worksite and employee wellness programming.
Pause with Rachael O’Meara
Sunday, December 30th at 8pm ET/5pm PTRachael O’Meara was a customer support manager at Google when she realized she was burned out and needed to reassess her path. The best way to do this was to take a “pause”—a time-out to create space for her inner voice to be heard and to align her actions to lead a more fulfilled life. Pause is her new book, serving as a GPS for others looking to slow down before speeding up again.
Going Solo with Robert Beeson
Friday, December 28th at 8pm ET/5pm PTWhen Robert Beeson, one of Christian Music’s top record label executives, suddenly became a single parent, he felt overwhelmed and alone. He ultimately found support from other single parents and learned that we are stronger together. So in 2017, he walked away from a lucrative music industry career in order to use his experiences to create a national platform that supports single parents and helps these solo families thrive.
The Aging of Aquarius with Helen Wilkes
Monday, December 24th at 8pm ET/5pm PTHelen Wilkes, Ph.D. is an energized octogenarian who survived a lifetime of hardships ranging from fleeing Nazi Germany as a child to navigating personal and professional obstacles as an adult. She persevered and created a richly rewarding life. Retirement has been the icing on her cake, bringing inner transformation and freedom.
Jacob's Bell: A Christmas Story with John Snyder
Sunday, December 23rd at 8pm ET/5pm PTAuthor John Snyder pens a story of love, hardship, and reconciliation that will leave readers filled with Christmas joy. In his second book, Snyder returns to a historic Americana setting in the 1920s and 40s. Set in Chicago and Baltimore in 1944 with flashbacks to the 1920s, Jacob’s Bell follows Jacob McCallum on his arduous journey to redemption. Sometimes the road to forgiveness and restoration can be a rocky one.
Pleiadian Earth Energy Astrology with Pia Smith Orleane & Cullen Baird Smith
Thursday, December 20th at 8pm ET/5pm PTPia Orleane, PhD and Cullen Baird Smith have accessed parallel dimensions since childhood. Pia and Cullen are interstellar communicators—bringing forth the voice of Laarkmaa requires their combined energies. Stepping away from their traditional careers of clinical psychologist and forensic anthropologist, they have dedicated their lives to bringing the wisdom of Laarkmaa to the world.
The Jewel of Abundance with Ellen Grace O'Brian
Monday, December 17th at 8pm ET/5pm PTAncient Vedic texts and teachings have provided spiritually conscious individuals a manual for living for thousands of years. One of the most important instructions these teachings include is called purushartha, or the four universal goals of human life, which contribute to living with balance, integrity, and joy. These four universal goals of human life include: dharma (realizing our higher purpose and fulfilling our destiny), artha (true prosperity), kama (pleasure or enjoyment for the sake of the soul), and moksha (the absolute freedom that comes with enlightenment).
Feeling Better with Cindy Goodman Stulberg
Sunday, December 16th at 8pm ET/5pm PTCindy Goodman Stulberg is a psychologist who has counseled individuals, couples, groups, and families for more than 40 years. She is coauthor of Feeling Better and codirector of the Institute for Interpersonal Psychotherapy with Ronald J. Frey, PhD. Cindy lives in Toronto, Ontario.
Smart Ass with Margaret Winslow
Wednesday, December 12th at 8pm ET/5pm PTMargaret Winslow is a field geologist with over thirty years of field experience in Alaska, Costa Rica, Chile, Argentina, Antarctica, and the Caribbean. Originally from Huntington, New York, she lives in the lower Hudson valley of New York with her oceanographer husband, Joe Stennett. Caleb boards nearby with horses and ponies, where he continues to steal the show every day.
The Three Rooms with Kevin Murphy
Monday, December 10th at 8pm ET/5pm PTKevin Murphy is a former Wall Street managing director, high school and collegiate wrestling champion, community activist, speaker, coach, and author. During his highly successful 33-year career at Citigroup, Kevin was responsible for the sales, marketing and trading of several different businesses within the firm. He served on the Board of Directors of multiple option exchanges and spoke at conferences all over the world.
A Survivor’s Surrender with Jackson Hanks
Friday, December 7th at 8pm ET/5pm PTJackson Hanks is a former mayor of his hometown, Palestine, Texas, having served three terms in that capacity. During his tenure, he received the prestigious Road Hand Award from the Texas Department of Transportation. Jackson is a board-certified lawyer in Texas with specialization in residential real estate law and farm and ranch real estate law. He also owns and manages Texas First Title Company, LLC.
Your Oxygen Mask First with Kevin Lawrence
Thursday, December 6th at 8pm ET/5pm PTKevin Lawrence is known for combining business acumen with a no-holds-barred, tell-it-like-it-is style. With a career spanning twenty years and four continents, he’s helped hundreds of CEOs and executives break through challenges, grow their companies, and find personal success along the way.
Mastering Fear with Brandon Webb
Sunday, December 2nd at 8pm ET/5pm PTBrandon Webb is a former US Navy SEAL sniper, New York Times bestselling author, Experimental aircraft pilot, and entrepreneur. He’s the founder of the Hurricane Group, a U.S. based media and ecommerce company focusing on outdoor, military entertainment, news, and clubs. Brandon is a regularly featured in international media as a military and Special Operations subject matter expert. He has contributed to ABC’s Good Morning America, NBC’s Today Show, FOX news, CNN, the BBC, SIRIUS XM, MSNBC, and The New York Times.

John Assaraf’s Innercise Defines the Difference Between ‘Interested’ and ‘Committed’
by staff writer Victoria Davis
Brain blocks are a part of everyday life. It might come in the form of procrastination, where an assignment or project just seems too daunting to even begin. It could also look like depression, giving up on goals due to previous failures, or even the mere thought of failing. Whether it’s a physical, mental or emotional block, New York Times bestselling author and entrepreneur John Assaraf believes it can all be overcome with this question: “Are you ‘interested’ or are you ‘committed?’ This is the foundation of Assaraf’s latest book, Innercise: The New Science to Unlock Your Brain’s Hidden Power.
Having started as a high school drop-out with patchy—and not entirely law abiding—minimum wage work experience, Assaraf says in the intro of his book that he had a “shallow” understanding of success. Even after receiving life-changing guidance from a successful business tycoon, building five multi-million-dollar companies and appearing on shows like Larry King and Ellen, Assaraf says this “life in the fast lane” cost him his health, his family and his sanity. What makes Innercise unique, is it’s not a get-rich-quick scheme or a book of brain games. It’s an honest and scientific approach about living life to the fullest.
The book begins with a quote by Napoleon Hill, reading, “Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.” This sets the tone for the rest of Assaraf’s work, constantly driving home the point that our brains are masterpieces of engineering at our ambition’s disposal. We can do whatever we set our minds to, using the same mind-over-matter exercises used by pro athletes, Navy SEALS, CEOs and astronauts. But there is another point Assaraf aims for audiences to understand—there must be a balance between “success” and “survival.”
There are three parts to Assaraf’s book: “Know Thy Brain,” “Master Your Thoughts and Emotions” and “Master Your Behavior.” The first part of the book dives into the nooks and crannies of our brains, where thousands upon thousands of neurons are firing away to make the system function. We are “goal setting machines,” according to Assaraf, but our brain’s primary purpose is to ensure our survival, not our success. However, by using the tools our bodies were born with, there can be a balance between our health and our happiness. This, in turn, allows us to fully and sanely commit to our ambitions, rather than harboring a mere interest, only following through with what is convenient.
Not only is Innercise a book that helps unlock the secrets to success but is refreshing in the way Assaraf illustrates how to thrive in business, relationships and personal health. Though it relies heavily on professional research, the chapters are not crowded with scientific jargon. Rather, it draws audiences in with common thoughts, feelings and emotions the average dreamer wrestles with. This not only makes the book easier to understand, but also makes it more relatable, helping readers to understand what it means to fully “commit” to the life you imagined for yourself.
Quantum Consciousness with Peter Smith
Sunday, November 11th at 8pm ET/5pm PTPeter Smith is the president of The Newton Institute and trains Life Between Lives practitioners around the world. He is also the founder of the Institute for Quantum Consciousness and the creator of the Hypnoenergetics® modality. He has published several articles on Spiritual Regression and Hypnotherapy and is a co-author of Memories of the Afterlife, the final book in the bestselling Life Between Lives quadrilogy.
Llewellyn’s Little Book of Halloween with Mickie Mueller
Monday, October 29th at 8pm ET/5pm PTMickie Mueller explores magic and spirituality through art and the written word. She includes magical herbal washes in her art that correspond with the subject, making every piece enchanted. Since 2007, Mickie has been a regular article and illustration contributor to Llewellyn’s annual almanacs and datebooks, as well as many other Llewellyn books.
Letter From Elvis with Gary Lindberg
Monday, October 1st at 8pm ET/5pm PTAs a writer and film producer/ director, Gary Lindberg has won over 100 major national and international awards. He is the co-writer and producer of the Paramount Pictures feature film “That Was Then, This Is Now” starring Emilio Estevez and Morgan Freeman.
The Wine Lover's Apprentice with Kathleen Bershad
Friday, August 31st at 8pm ET/5pm PT Kathleen Bershad has fifteen years of experience in the food and wine industry and has honed the art of matching people with wine. Through her company, Fine Wine Concierge, she advises clients on building wine collections and organizing their cellars.
Resilience with Dr. Steven Southwick
Thursday, August 30th at 8pm ET/5pm PTDr. Steven Southwick MD, is the Glenn H. Greenberg Professor of Psychiatry, PTSD and Resilience at Yale University Medical School and Yale Child Study Center, Deputy Director of the Clinical Neuroscience Diversion of the Veterans Affairs National Center for PTSD, and Adjunct Professor of Psychiatry, Mount Sinai School of Medicine. His interests include the psychology and neurobiology of psychological trauma, PTSD, and resilience to stress. He has worked with a wide range of trauma survivors including combat veterans, civilian children and adults with PTSD, and very high functioning stress resilient former prisoners of war and active duty Special Forces soldiers and Navy Seals.
Positive Image to Positive Action with Dr. Anita Sanchez
Sunday, August 26th at 8pm ET/5pm PTDr. Anita Sanchez is a published author, consultant, trainer and executive coach who has worked with tens of thousands of global leaders and teams around the world. She specializes in indigenous wisdom, diversity and inclusion, leadership, culture and promoting positive change in our world.
Funny Planet with Ken Jennings
Thursday, August 23rd at 8pm ET/5pm PTKen Jennings grew up in Seoul, South Korea, where he became a daily devotee of the quiz show Jeopardy! In 2004, he successfully auditioned for a spot on the show and went on an unprecedented seventy-four game victory streak worth $2.52 million. Jennings’s book Brainiac, about his Jeopardy! adventures, was a critically acclaimed New York Times bestseller, as were his follow-up books Maphead and Because I Said So! Jennings is the host of the Omnibus podcast.
A Shadow Away with Joan K. Lacy
Monday, August 20th at 8:30pm ET/5:30pm PTJoan K. Lacy is a weaver of words, ancient cultures, mysteries and adventures. Raised in the country outside San Diego, an adventurous spirit encouraged her to take every opportunity to explore all this fascinating world has to offer. Joan now combines her love for archaeology, history, and fantasy fiction with her active imagination to create a world filled with all sorts of magic and adventure. You won’t want to miss Alex Cort and his friends on their many adventures.
Getting Back To Happy with Marc and Angel Chernoff
Monday, August 20th at 8pm ET/5pm PTMarc and Angel Chernoff are the creators of Marc & Angel Hack Life, which was recognized by Forbes as “one of the most popular personal development blogs.” Through their writing, coaching, and live events, they’ve spent the past decade sharing proven strategies for getting unstuck in order to find lasting happiness and success.