Make Every Moment Count with Marianne Pestana on The Self Improvement Show with Dr. Irene Conlan, LIVE TODAY, Thursday, March 16th at 12pm PDT/1pm MDT.
New books are published every day. Sometimes we see advertisements about them, get information about them in email or get a pop-up as we surf the net. We may see promotions on YouTube or interviews on the news with an author whose book caught on and is on the way to becoming a best seller or has already hit the top of the bestseller list. Most of us don’t think about what it took to make that happen—the coaching, publicity, bookings, book signings, radio show appearances, and YouTube videos. It takes a lot of work on the part of someone or a group of “someones” to make all of that happen. Our guest today is a literary publicist with clients who have hit the best seller list. She will talk with us about what she does to help her clients succeed in the very competitive literary world. What does it take to get your work noticed and sold? She makes every moment count and will help you learn how to do the same.
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The Self Improvement Show with Dr. Irene Conlan
Thursday at 12 Noon Pacific Time on VoiceAmerica Empowerment Channel
The Self Improvement Show was created because almost everyone wants to be better, do better, and achieve more, but we don’t always know how to do that. We aren’t looking for perfection. We are simply trying to improve in ways that allow us more happiness, contentment and success with some laughter along the way. We address issues common to us all and suggest useful tools that will help you tap into your strengths and your wonderful uniqueness. We think most self improvement is an “inside job” so we talk a lot about how to “go within” to make lasting changes. We talk to people who have struggled and won and have great stories to tell as well as those who live ordinary lives in extraordinary ways. The show is laid back, informative and down to earth. The welcome mat is always out and we invite you to join us.
Click here to visit The Self Improvement Show with Dr. Irene Conlan to learn more about her!