3 Tips to Get Over Valentine’s Day Blues


Are you stuck in your PJs feeling like the month of February should be stricken from the calendar? With Valentine’s Day over, you now find yourself in either one of two categories; You feel elated that there was finally some much needed, romantic down time with your special someone, or are you feeling a bit blue because Valentine’s Day is just another reminder that you’re single and your “romantic dance card” looks more like the cast of Pride and Prejudice and Zombies.

If you find yourself in the later category, then these 3 simple tips will have you refocusing and finding love in your everyday life!

1) Let go of what love should look like and stand in appreciation of all the love that is currently in your life. This can be love from your family, friends, pets, strangers showing you “love” by opening doors or something as simple as a smile. You will not only become a happier person (who doesn’t want to be that!) but you will attract more loving relationships into your life. What a win-win situation and joy to be in!

2) Fix yourself up for YOU! Regardless where you are going during the day, headed out to get gas or pick up some groceries, tidy up your hair, makeup and clothing. The more you have pride in how you look the more confident you will become.  We all have different body types so don’t’ compare, love that uniqueness that is yours alone. The greatest love story of your life should be falling in love with yourself and the beautiful person that you are. Everything after that is just icing on the cake!

3) Give it away! If you are looking for love in your life and there isn’t any to be found, give it away.  Look to see what local charity you can be involved with, visit a nursing home spending time with some of the residents or help a neighbor with their groceries. When you give love away, it comes back to you!

Practicing these three steps will change how you view the world around you.  There is a happy life waiting for you, all you have to do is shift perspectives and show up.

US & UK Bestselling Author Marina J talks about her new book Turn Yourself On


Tune in on Friday, February 12th at 5am & 5pm EST as we talk with bestselling international author, relationship expert and coach, Marina J about her book TURN YOURSELF ON.

TURN YOURSELF ON is every woman’s handbook to get their fabulous back!  You know how it is…you feel like you’re going through the motions most days – you’re not depressed – but don’t feel you have much to look forward to either.  No one knows it of course, you are a very well put together package, but you feel it especially at night. You have a shelf full of self help books but everything you’ve done up until now has only taken you so far.  You’re still not in that life that’s waiting for you and you know theres greatness in you.  

But how do you become the Queen of overcoming the icky to get to fabulous… and easily? So you feel good with cherries on top? Especially when you’re down in the dumps? And just after you’ve just had a massive argument with him?

When you’re…

¥ Hurt or upset by what they just did to you
¥ Insecure because of what’s been going on
¥ Angry with yourself for sabotaging yourself again ¥ Crap at asking for what you want
¥ Ready for a big fat change
¥ And you’re ready to be uQerly fabulous?

Open this book at the exact page you need; every page is overflowing with an opulence of gorgeous tools, ideas and techniques, that will support you daily

Marina J teaches women one of the most important skills of all: How to get your fabulous back after upset with him, with her or with life – because your happiness is everything!  Her smart, uplifting and poignant approach will have you laughing, healing deeply and yes, flourishing like the woman you were born to be! She does the deep stuff and the sparkly gorgeous stuff too. A relationship expert, international best selling author and speaker, Marina has helped thousands of women around the world live the life they always knew they were meant to be in.  www.MarinaJ.net


Moments with Marianne special guest Aleya Dao discussing her new book Seven Cups of Consciousness

Aleya DaoJoin me on TODAY, Nov 26th at 5pm EST with special guest Aleya Dao: Seven Cups of Consciousness on Moments with Marianne at 1510AM WMEX BOSTON and Dreamvisions 7 Radio Network as we talk about her new book Seven Cups of Consciousness, Change Your Life by Connecting to the Higher Realms. Aleya is offering a FREE GIFT to all listeners so make sure to tune in!!

Aleya is an author, highly gifted sound healer, energetic practitioner, Minister in the state of California, Doctor of Oriental Medicine in New Mexico, and a Licensed Acupuncturist in Colorado. She has been an alternative healer for 20 years. Aleya graduated from Lewis and Clark University in Portland, Oregon and earned her Master’s Degree in Oriental Medicine from The Southwest Acupuncture School in Santa Fe, New Mexico. She practiced in Telluride, Colorado for 7 years before moving to Santa Barbara, California where she serves an international clientele as a spiritual guide and sound healer.

In 2001 Aleya had an enlightenment experience, which enabled her to perceive other realms, hear the angelic beings, and increased her empathic and clairvoyant abilities. Sounds True released her Light Body Healing Album in August of 2014. Her first Book, Seven Cups of Consciousness: Change Your Life by Connecting to the Higher Realms with New World Library released September 2015.

Visit Aleya’s website at: www.cupsofconsciousness.com    41mrh4SH4qL

Moments With Marianne is heard on Dreamvisions 7 Radio Network every Thursday & Friday at 5pm & 5amEST, Saturdays at 5am EST and every 2nd Sunday at 8pmEST when Dreamvisions 7 Radio Network is live at 1510am WMEX Boston, with over 1 Million listeners in over 135 countries.

To listen to the show on Friday at 5am & 5pm EST visit this link:

Saying “Yes” and Moving Beyond Fear


Many times during my career,  I have come up against fear in one form or another. Should I move my business in a certain direction, accept a proposal that I knew in my heart wasn’t a good fit the future of my business or work with a client that didn’t value, respect or appreciate what I bring to the table? When I quiet myself and listen to that inner guidance, typically the answers come quickly.  When I find myself struggling for a solution, a list of pros and cons will do the trick with money out of the equation. Overall, I have come to realize that fear itself is the doorway to a greater plateau of my personal and professional development.  When I move through fear with courage and faith, I have gained the greatest insights of my life.

If I want a different result, I have to do things differntly. It’s that Einstein quote “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results” that rings countless truths, yet many of us do this repetitious behavior expecting things to change.  So how could I show up in a bigger way, breaking the routines and patterns that have kept me feeling “safe” to expand my horizons?  One way of doing this is to say “Yes” more often, even when you feel like saying No!  This doesn’t mean to be a doormat, but it does mean moving beyond the boundaries that provide a comfortable and secure border around your life.  

This year, saying Yes more often has opened doors that I couldn’t imagined were possible.  This has allowed me to meet life more boldly and be more present to the gifts that are coming my way.

I challenge you to say Yes more often and see what the Universe has in store for you!  I bet it’s worth the adventure!

Wishing you all the best!