Do You Have a Dream Workbook with Grace Allison
Friday, January 26th at 8pm ET/5pm PT

Author Grace Allison is a modern Christian Mystic and an award-winning self-help and motivational author who has assisted thousands to find their spiritual wisdom to solve everyday challenges.

A Season of Hope


As the Holidays draw near, and dates are crossed off the calendar, we are encouraged to slow down and connect with those we love. Candle-lit dinners and frosty morning gatherings give our hearts a tingle of sentimentality, while gently reminding us this Season offers so much more.

Reflecting on this time of year, it’s brings something more than any gift could offer.  It’s a Season of encouragement, community and hope. In a world where there seems to be so much despair, I wonder what light I can bring and how can I make a difference to those that are suffering?  Even if it’s a simple smile, kind word or action, it can mean so much to those we encounter. Our hearts may never know the impact these small gestures will make. We all have the ability to bring light into someone’s life, in a powerful and meaningful way.

The Holiday lights that decorate our space, is a reminder of how interconnected we truly are. These tiny little lights illuminate a house, neighborhood and community with a certain magical quality.  As they cast their colorful, warm glow on snowy city streets or lonely country roads, together they pierce the darkness for miles around.

Join me in celebrating this Holiday Season by coming together in love and hope, to shine our light into the world.

Make Every Moment Count!

Mindfulness as a Path to Self-Care

While out walking the other day, it seemed like I had just stepped into the perfect day. The sun was shining, a gentle breeze was blowing and birds were singing as my thoughts wandered to the topic of mindfulness as a path to self-care. While self-care and mindfulness are not new topics, both still offer a greater shift in perspective when we choose to dive deeper into the practice of caring for our mind, body and spirit.

Many times, self-care only captures our attentions while we are on vacation or out of town on some far away trip, miles away from the typical stresses of everyday life. Self-care is often placed at the very bottom of a never-ending list of things to do. Meanwhile, busy work and being overly connected take center stage in our lives, drowning out our body’s cry for some major tender loving care.

But how important is it to devote time to ourselves? Can we really find moments in our already overbooked schedules and hectic lives to develop a solid routine of self-care?

When the topic of mindfulness finally does surface above the daily noise, it is often thought we need to have a serene place, void of distractions to develop a state of awareness with everything around us and, most importantly, with ourselves.  However, cultivating mindfulness as part of a self-care regimen can take place anywhere, regardless of what is going on around you. The advantages of this practice can be immense.

Science has now proven the wide range of benefits derived from practicing a state of mindfulness as a path to self-care. These benefits include…

  • Reduction in anxiety and stress
  • Improved cognition
  • Elevated happiness, contentment and gratitude
  • Increased immune function
  • Boost in memory
  • Improved moods
  • Slowing of neurodegenerative diseases
  • Increased creativity
  • Lowered blood pressure

I would like to share with you a very simple mindfulness exercise that I use on a daily basis which only takes a couple of minutes.  It doesn’t matter if you are at your desk, just got off a phone call with a difficult client or you’re feeling generally overwhelmed. This practice can bring you back to center allowing you to focus on what is truly important — your inner peace.

Close your eyes (not while driving) and focus on your breathing.  Feel the expansion of your body with each inhalation and rhythmic flow as each exhalation leaves the body. Clear your mind. When thoughts arise without judgement, gently allow those thoughts to drift away while bringing your attention back to your breathing.

Initially, it might seem like a battle to win over the quiet moments of your mind, but with each practice it gets easier and the times that you experience peacefulness will last longer. In time, you’ll find that it’s extremely easy to drop into a mindfulness state and that those few moments allow you to recharge quickly.

This simple mindfulness tool has allowed me to remain centered and focused over the years even during a bustling workday. You see, it’s not about finding the perfectly quiet and serene place to refocus and find your peace. It’s about finding the mindfulness practice that is the perfect fit for you, plus getting in the habit of using that practice to improve your self-care if even for a moment.

Our minds, bodies and souls are always working hard, so show yourself some love and take a deep breath. Kick off your shoes. Find your center. I hope it brings you peace like it has for me.


Make Every Moment Count!

Making Every Moment Count with Marianne Pestana on The Self Improvement Show with Dr. Irene Conlan


Make Every Moment Count with Marianne Pestana on The Self Improvement Show with Dr. Irene Conlan, LIVE TODAY, Thursday, March 16th at 12pm PDT/1pm MDT.

New books are published every day. Sometimes we see advertisements about them, get information about them in email or get a pop-up as we surf the net. We may see promotions on YouTube or interviews on the news with an author whose book caught on and is on the way to becoming a best seller or has already hit the top of the bestseller list. Most of us don’t think about what it took to make that happen—the coaching, publicity, bookings, book signings, radio show appearances, and YouTube videos. It takes a lot of work on the part of someone or a group of “someones” to make all of that happen. Our guest today is a literary publicist with clients who have hit the best seller list. She will talk with us about what she does to help her clients succeed in the very competitive literary world. What does it take to get your work noticed and sold? She makes every moment count and will help you learn how to do the same.

Click here to listen live!

The Self Improvement Show with Dr. Irene Conlan

Thursday at 12 Noon Pacific Time on VoiceAmerica Empowerment Channel

The Self Improvement Show was created because almost everyone wants to be better, do better, and achieve more, but we don’t always know how to do that. We aren’t looking for perfection. We are simply trying to improve in ways that allow us more happiness, contentment and success with some laughter along the way. We address issues common to us all and suggest useful tools that will help you tap into your strengths and your wonderful uniqueness. We think most self improvement is an “inside job” so we talk a lot about how to “go within” to make lasting changes. We talk to people who have struggled and won and have great stories to tell as well as those who live ordinary lives in extraordinary ways. The show is laid back, informative and down to earth. The welcome mat is always out and we invite you to join us.

Click here to visit The Self Improvement Show with Dr. Irene Conlan to learn more about her!

Finding Tranquility in the Moments

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With the accelerated energies on the planet, many people are coming face-to-face with issues that they have either not dealt with or lessons that need to be experienced in one degree or another.  With all of this taking place, there is great opportunity for personal development like never before and at the same time, there is also a lot of energetic chaos that feels more like blindly walking through a dense fog, unable to distinguish any path leading out.

Staying centered allows us to move through these transition points with grace, while finding tranquility in the moments offers a greater sense of peace. Developing a consistent practice of mindfulness eventually makes these moments of internal bliss last for longer periods of time.  Ultimately we become more focused on the miracles that each moment brings as opposed to the perceived chaos that surrounds us.

When we take personal responsibility for the world that we choose to live in, we realize that we are the direct creator of what we are experiencing.  The inner journey for peace starts with me, only then can it be reflected in the world around us.

Make Every Moment Count!

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John Gray PhD & Chetan Parkyn on Moments with Marianne Radio Show

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It’s all about relationships tomorrow on the Moments with Marianne radio show! Did you love Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus series? Tune in FRIDAY, March 3rd at 5am & 5pm EST for a special interview on Moments with Marianne with John Gray PhD as we discuss his new book Beyond Mars and Venus, followed by The Book of Destinies with Human Design creator Chetan Parkyn.
Moments with Marianne is heard at Dreamvisions 7 Radio Network and WMEX 1510AM Boston. Listen LIVE FRIDAY, March 3rd at 5am & 5pm EST by clicking here
Beyond Mars and Venus with John Gray
John Gray is the author of the most well-known and trusted relationship book of all time, Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus. USA Today listed his book as one of the top 10 most influential books of the last quarter century. In hardcover, it was the #1 bestselling book of the 1990s. Dr. Gray’s books are translated into approximately 45 languages in more than 100 countries and continues to be a bestseller.
Dr. Gray has written over 20 books. His most recent book is Beyond Mars and Venus. His Mars/Venus book series has forever changed the way men and women view their relationships. He has appeared repeatedly on Oprah, as well as on The Dr. Oz Show, TODAY, CBS This Morning, Good Morning America, and others. He has been profiled in Time, Forbes, USA Today, and People. He was also the subject of a three hour special hosted by Barbara Walters.
The Book of Destinies with Chetan Parkyn
Chetan Parkyn has been giving Readings to people of all walks of life and all nationalities for over 35 years. He has spent the past 23 years mastering Human Design. He is more than a leading practitioner of the system. As the author of the first major book on the subject, which has been translated into eleven different language versions, he has made it his mission to bring Human Design to the whole world.

How Our Perception Changes Our World


With so much going on in the world, how we choose to perceive things seems to be more important than ever.  While putting on rose-colored glasses isn’t something that I would suggest, choosing to change our perception of the challenges we face gives us the opportunity not only to shift how we show up in the world, but also allows us the opportunity to view the outer world and our inner world with more compassionate and grace.  This discussion often has me thinking about this quote from the Dalai Lama:

We can never obtain peace in the outer world until we make peace with ourselves.

If we’re having a difficult time liking ourselves, how can we like those around us?  If we allow ourselves to fall into judgement or criticize those that are different, how can we love the uniqueness that we alone bring to the world?

The journey of developing and maintaining inner peace  traverses a road with no end, yet the journey itself offers new vistas, plateaus and valleys of who we really are. Thus granting us a deeper awareness and understanding that we truly are one, regardless of our outer world and differences.
Wishing you much peace, grace and love.

Make Every Moment Count!


Living a Heart Centered Life


The fabulous individuals that I am interviewing this month really bring to light, and serve as a reminder, how important living a heart centered life is. So how can I shift my life to be more heart centered? Is it possible to develop deeper relationships, not only with others but most importantly myself?

Let me share with you a couple of secrets that worked for me when I started on my path. Part of my everyday routine, begins and ends in gratitude. There is always so much to be grateful for, no matter what is happening. I find that by shifting my focus on what I’m thankful for allows me to see the world in a different way. It’s so easy to engage with others in a bit of complaining or gossip, but this contagious habit can spread like a cancer in your life if left unchecked. By shifting focus and choosing to look for all things positive (and believe me… there were some days I had to stand pretty far back to see a glimmer of positivity!) I have found that there is little that can happen in my day that throws me off my path. 

The second secret I would like to share with you is a very simple, yet profound blessing that you can silently do for anyone. It’s called Heart to Heart at I have personally seen the miraculous happen when doing this blessing. The caveat is this blessing is done with no expectation or intentions for the other person, you are only the conduit for the blessing to occur, thus allowing the Universe to work it’s magic. Now who doesn’t want a more magical life!

Both of these secrets are simple, yet very important in making significant change. Life is merely an illusion, it is an invention of our thoughts, beliefs, feelings and perceptions. So let’s choose to have an experience that feeds our soul and allows us to live

Remember to tune in this month as I explore how to show up and live life from the Heart!

Make Every Moment Count!

Seeing Possibilities Through Blindness


Endurance athlete Dan Berlin of Team See Possibilities doesn’t let the onset of blindness that developed later in his life slow him down. This go-getter is making history as he encourages other to “see possibilities” regardless of their situation.  Dan grew up in the chocolate town of Hershey, Pennsylvania, and now co-owns Rodelle, one of the world’s leading vanilla extract companies, in Colorado where he lives with his wife and two children.

Over the course of twenty years, Dan gradually lost his eyesight from cone-rod dystrophy. He struggled with the limitations of his new reality, but instead of simply feeling sorry for himself, he came up with a new way to approach the rest of his life. He decided, despite his blindness, to become a marathoner.  

Dan has since run twelve marathons, including NYC and Boston, completed two Half Ironman triathlons, completed the Rim to Rim to Rim: running across the Grand Canyon and back nonstop. He is the first blind person ever to complete this intimidating challenge. His most recent accomplishment was making history by being the first blind athlete to complete the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu in a single day.

Accompanied by three guides at Team See Possibilities, who are constantly looking for new iconic locations for Dan to become the first blind athlete to complete a major test of physical fitness.  He’s in great company with a team consisting highly notable individuals themselves; Charles Scott who left a 14 year career at Intel Corporation to develop the Family Adventure Guy, which has been featured in National Geographic and is an author who raises money for charities as he competes in endurance challenges,  Alison Qualter Berna is a proud mother of three and co-founder of Apple Seeds, a children’s play space based in New York City. Alison has worked in production at NBC after graduating from Princeton University and has also started and managed a global sports program called Sports for Development at UNICEF, and Brad Graff a Harvard Business School graduate and formal Naval Officer, who recently ended his 17 year career at Intel Corporation.

While it took some training, nothing could prepare the guides for the task ahead. Alison talks about how “she really needed to be more confident in herself in order to complete the run and guiding Dan allowed her to share something extraordinarily powerful with someone that needed her.”

Dan stumbled many times while crossing the Grand Canyon, but he never give us. “He lives a life on what’s possible and then makes it happen” Alison shares. It’s Dan’s goal to encourage both children and adults suffering from blindness to move beyond limitations and to think about new possibilities.

To learn more about Dan and Team See Possibilites click here:

Love is in Stars with Celebrity Psychic Brad Kronen


Join me on Friday, Nov 27th at 5pm EST & Saturday, Nov 21st at 5am EST with special guest Brad Kronen on Moments with Marianne at 1510AM WMEX BOSTON and Dreamvisions 7 Radio Network as we talk about his new book Love in the Stars! This promises to be a fun and enlightening interview!

Are you curious about whether your crush or current flame is a match made in the stars? Whether you’re looking for love, already dating, or just curious about your compatibility with other signs, author Brad Kronen provides everything you need to know about your astrological love matches.

Understanding each sign’s basic energy pattern can make winning someone’s heart easy. No matter what the stars reveal—a propensity for harmony and romance, a challenging “star-crossed” attraction, or a passionate pairing with more fireworks than the Fourth of July—Love in the Stars shows you the most effective way to pursue, woo, and be happy with your objet d’amour of ANY sun sign.

Visit Brad’s website at:

Moments With Marianne is heard on Dreamvisions 7 Radio Network every Thursday & Friday at 5pm & 5amEST, Saturdays at 5am EST and every 2nd Sunday at 8pmEST when Dreamvisions 7 Radio Network is live at 1510am WMEX Boston, with over 1 Million listeners in over 135 countries.

To listen to the show on Friday at 5am & 5pm EST visit this link: