Cracking the Boy Code with Dr Adam Cox
Sunday, August 19th at 8pm ET/5pm PT

Adam J. Cox, Ph.D, is a clinical psychologist whose work includes thousands of hours interviewing children in schools in US, UK, Canada, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, and Singapore. A sought-after therapist and frequent speaker on the psychology of boys, he is author of the acclaimed books On Purpose Before Twenty, Boys of Few Words and No Mind Left Behind. Cox lives in Rhode Island and shares his wisdom at

If I Could Tell You Just One Thing with Richard Reed
Friday, August 17th at 8pm ET/5pm PT

Richard Reed is an entrepreneur, author, philanthropist, and cofounder of Innocent Drinks, the Innocent Foundation, and Art Everywhere. He lives in the UK.

Hype with Dr. Nina Shapiro
Thursday, August 16th at 8pm ET/5pm PT

Dr. Nina L. Shapiro is one of America’s leading physicians. With more than two decades of experience in clinical and academic medicine, she’s a trusted expert whom her patients and the media rely on routinely to set the record straight about the latest health fads and misconceptions. Her trademark wisdom, engaging personality, and no-nonsense attitude will be accessible to readers everywhere in a new myth-busting and evidence-driven book to be published by St. Martin’s Press

The Matrix for Daily Miracles with Ilona Selke
Friday, August 3rd at 8pm ET/5pm PT

Ilona Selke is an international bestselling author, seminar leader, lecturer, musician and CEO/cofounder of Living from Vision. Over 30+ years, Ilona has inspired thousands of people worldwide to discover the power of their consciousness and create a successful life. Her new book “Dream Big: The Universe Is Listening” offers real-life stories of transformation as well as practical tips anyone can use to shapeshift their lives from the inside out.

Moments with Marianne radio show now on Spotify!

Now you can listen to Moments with Marianne radio show on Spotify! Connect Spotify to your Amazon Alexa or Echo and listen to inspiring, entertaining and educational episodes all day long!

Click here to Listen or tell Alexa or Echo to play the Moments with Marianne radio show!
When We Speak of Nothing with Olumide Popoola
Monday, July 30th at 8pm ET/5pm PT

Olumide Popoola is a London-based Nigerian German writer and speaker who presents internationally.  Her publications also include critical essays (often on practice-led research and the novel), hybrid pieces and poetry.  Olumide holds a PhD in Creative Writing, a MA in Creative Writing and a BSc in Ayurvedic Medicine. She lectures creative writing. 

How To Get To Heaven (Without Really Dying) with Robert Kopecky
Monday, March 12th at 8pm ET/5pm PT

Robert Kopecky survived a traumatic childhood, traveled extensively as a young man, and lived a variety of lives as a ski bum, a factory welder, a monumental sculpture fabricator, an underground cartoonist; and finally as an award-winning illustrator, art director, and animation designer for The New York Times, Sports Illustrated, PBS Kids, and more. His journeys – from the remote South Pacific to the capitals of Europe to the deserts of Arizona and the canyons of New York City – were punctuated by three dramatic “Near Death Experiences.”

The Heart of Wellness with Dr. Kavitha Chinnaiyan
Friday, January 26th at 8pm ET/5pm PT

Kavitha M Chinnaiyan, MD, (Michigan) is a cardiologist at Beaumont Health System and an associate professor of medicine at Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine. She was featured as one of the”Best Doctors of America” and has served on several national and international committees. Kavitha has been a spokesperson for the American Heart Association and served as the co-chair of the “Go Red for Women” event sponsored by the AHA. She has also won several awards and grants for research in cardiology, was awarded the “Seeker of Truth” award for her research endeavors, and appears often on local and national radio and television. She also gives invited talks on ayurveda, medicine and spirituality, and yoga for heart disease. Kavitha created the Heal Your Heart Free Your Soul holistic prevention program and shares its teachings through weekend retreats, workshops, and intensive courses. Visit her online at

Making Every Moment Count with Marianne Pestana on The Self Improvement Show with Dr. Irene Conlan


Make Every Moment Count with Marianne Pestana on The Self Improvement Show with Dr. Irene Conlan, LIVE TODAY, Thursday, March 16th at 12pm PDT/1pm MDT.

New books are published every day. Sometimes we see advertisements about them, get information about them in email or get a pop-up as we surf the net. We may see promotions on YouTube or interviews on the news with an author whose book caught on and is on the way to becoming a best seller or has already hit the top of the bestseller list. Most of us don’t think about what it took to make that happen—the coaching, publicity, bookings, book signings, radio show appearances, and YouTube videos. It takes a lot of work on the part of someone or a group of “someones” to make all of that happen. Our guest today is a literary publicist with clients who have hit the best seller list. She will talk with us about what she does to help her clients succeed in the very competitive literary world. What does it take to get your work noticed and sold? She makes every moment count and will help you learn how to do the same.

Click here to listen live!

The Self Improvement Show with Dr. Irene Conlan

Thursday at 12 Noon Pacific Time on VoiceAmerica Empowerment Channel

The Self Improvement Show was created because almost everyone wants to be better, do better, and achieve more, but we don’t always know how to do that. We aren’t looking for perfection. We are simply trying to improve in ways that allow us more happiness, contentment and success with some laughter along the way. We address issues common to us all and suggest useful tools that will help you tap into your strengths and your wonderful uniqueness. We think most self improvement is an “inside job” so we talk a lot about how to “go within” to make lasting changes. We talk to people who have struggled and won and have great stories to tell as well as those who live ordinary lives in extraordinary ways. The show is laid back, informative and down to earth. The welcome mat is always out and we invite you to join us.

Click here to visit The Self Improvement Show with Dr. Irene Conlan to learn more about her!

Turning Obstacles into Opportunities with Greg S. Reid

7f07f31c-7bb8-457a-9a0f-d5feada821f5Bestselling Author. Acclaimed Speaker. Filmmaker – Greg S. Reid is a natural entrepreneur known for his giving spirit and a knack for translating complicated situations into simple, digestible concepts. As an action-taking phenomenon, strategy turns into results fast and furious, and relationships are deep and rich in the space he orbits.

51jXb15yViL-1._SX331_BO1,204,203,200_Published in over 45 books, 28 best sellers, five motion pictures, and featured in countless magazines, Greg shares that the most valuable lessons we learn, are also the easiest ones to apply. Recently, Greg has been hand selected by The Napoleon Hill Foundation to help carry on the teaching found in the bible of personal achievement – Think and Grow Rich.

His latest Movie ‘Wish Man’ features the real life story of Frank Shankwitz (Founder Of the Make A Wish Foundation) where one boys desire inspired a man to change the world.