Moments with Marianne radio show now on Spotify!
Now you can listen to Moments with Marianne radio show on Spotify! Connect Spotify to your Amazon Alexa or Echo and listen to inspiring, entertaining and educational episodes all day long!
Now you can listen to Moments with Marianne radio show on Spotify! Connect Spotify to your Amazon Alexa or Echo and listen to inspiring, entertaining and educational episodes all day long!
In Robert Kopecky‘s latest book, How To Get To Heaven (Without Really Dying), which was just released through Llewellyn (March 2018), the reader is given a clear, and easy to understanding account of what it’s like to have a Near Death Experience (NDE) and how we can transform our lives.
It’s often reported by those who have gone through an NDE, that they have a clear awareness of being in on the other side. When they return, many of the experiencers report a deep and profound connection with everything, and a sense of enlightenment that expands within their lives. Near Death Experiencers also have reported an overwhelming sense of love, both in feeling loved and a deep love for everyone and everything around them. It’s as if they see their life, their purpose and connection to the Divine with new eyes. But do we all have to go through trauma of a NDE to experience such nirvana?
Having gone through three NDEs himself, Kopecky outlines his experiences and lessons that each encounter has brought. With these insights, Kopecky shares how to create “Heaven on Earth” without having to go through the trauma of experiencing an NDE.
“Once we begin to recognize the real magic around us and experience a little bit of Heaven for ourselves… we might take up permanent residency there.” – Robert Kopecky
Kopecky’s book beautifully outlines how to creating paradise in our lives is not only possible, but something we all can strive for. With simple to use techniques and tools, How To Get To Heaven (Without Really Dying) is a must read for anyone looking to obtain the enlightenment experience.
My recommendation for How To Get To Heaven (Without Really Dying), is located on the back cover. Make sure to pick up your copy today and create the magic you’ve been missing.
Searching for the White Magician: Spiritual Psychology and the Manifesting of Destiny by Stefania Magidson, in dialogue with Carmen Firan brings an insightful and thoughtful approach to many of the questions we ask ourselves today. Set in the format of a dialogue between Stefania & Carmen, the discussion answers such questions as; how can we bring more love and consciousness into our lives, can our dreams guide us in everyday challenges and is it possible to have a healthy relationship with money.
Stefania knowledge, experience and education in Spiritual Psychology, brings forth questions that will cause the reader to deepen their own practice and search for greater meaning in life.
The proceed of the book benefit the Blue Heron Foundation, founded by Stefania in 2002. Today the Blue Heron Foundation is one of the largest non-profit organizations in the Romanian diaspora. To date, the organization has raised more than $2,000,000, has awarded 300+ college scholarships and has touched the lives of at least 2,900 children.