Hidden Brilliance with Katie Rasoul
Friday February 8th at 8pm ET/5pm PT

Katie Rasoul is the author of Hidden Brilliance: A High-Achieving Introvert’s Guide to Self-Discovery, Leadership and Playing Big (2018). It is an Amazon Best Seller from several categories, including Business & Money Skills, Communication, and Motivational. The book, Hidden Brilliance, was born out of a personal pivot point her career that led to the incredible TEDx talk, “Uncovering the High-Achieving Introvert”, that she presented at TEDxUWMilwaukee in 2017.www.teamawesomecoaching.com 

Living Your Creativity with Laura Hollick


Special Guest Laura Hollick will be on Moments with Marianne, Thursday, April 7th at 5am & 5pm EST on Dreamvisions 7 Radio Network and WMEX1510AM Boston as discuss Living Your Creativity.

Laüra Hollick is an award-winning artist, creative spiritual entrepreneur and lover of our Earth. She is known as the Soul Art Shaman. After walking 10,000km on a Vision Quest Laüra clarified her purpose and dove into business to realize it. She is the founder of Soul Art Studio Inc., a thriving business devoted to circulating love around the planet with creative inspiration.

BRAVO TV created a documentary about Laüra’s art and life called ‘The Artist’s Life- Laüra Hollick.’ She has hosted and produced over 500 radio shows for 93.3 FM CFMU called ‘The Artist’s Lifestyle.’
Laüra recently gave a TEDx talk called “You are the Art.” www.LauraHollick.com

You can listen to the show by click here at 5am & 5pm EST! http://rdo.to/DREAM7