Warrior Hike Amazon Wish List
We can help CNN Hero Warrior Hike fulfill their Amazon.com wish list of items to help combat veterans on the 2016 expeditions by visiting the link below!
Dr. Steven Southwick MD, is the Glenn H. Greenberg Professor of Psychiatry, PTSD and Resilience at Yale University Medical School and Yale Child Study Center, Deputy Director of the Clinical Neuroscience Diversion of the Veterans Affairs National Center for PTSD, and Adjunct Professor of Psychiatry, Mount Sinai School of Medicine. His interests include the psychology and neurobiology of psychological trauma, PTSD, and resilience to stress. He has worked with a wide range of trauma survivors including combat veterans, civilian children and adults with PTSD, and very high functioning stress resilient former prisoners of war and active duty Special Forces soldiers and Navy Seals. https://medicine.yale.edu
We can help CNN Hero Warrior Hike fulfill their Amazon.com wish list of items to help combat veterans on the 2016 expeditions by visiting the link below!