The Promise We Made with Efrat Shokef, PhD
Friday, July 19th at 10am PT, 1pm ET & Tuesday, July 23rd at 3pm PT, 6pm ET

Do we make soul agreements with our children? Tune in for an inspiring discussion with Efrat Shokef, PhD, as we talk about her new book The Promise We Made: Three Universal Soul Promises We Made to Our Children: Near Death Experience and The Parenting Teachings It Invites.

Efrat Shokef, PhD, received her degree from the Israel Institute of Technology in Social-Organizational Psychology and is a Fulbright Alumni. She was profoundly transformed by a near-fatal car crash and simultaneous Near-Death Experience. Drawing from the profound insights of her ‘after-life’ encounter, she infuses the beauty and wisdom gained into her roles as a mother, writer, teacher, and healer.  Guiding both her own family and numerous clients, Dr. Shokef invites parents to rediscover their soul’s purpose and shared agreements. Alongside homeschooling her three intuitive daughters and cherishing moments outdoors with their four-legged companions, Dr. Shokef remains deeply grateful for life’s blessings. Explore Dr. Shokef’s transformative work at