7 Steps to Freedom

Publisher: 2024
We all want to feel happy and free, but it seems eternally elusive.In this groundbreaking book, Gilbert Mane draws on over thirty years of spiritual work and self-development to set out a systematic guide to finding freedom and happiness.7 Steps to Freedom presents both modern and ancient wisdom from the East and West in a clear, readable and entertaining way. Gilbert really makes freedom and happiness seem accessible. From ancient Indian texts, seven simple steps emerge, which we can relate to directly:
1. We know there is more to life and we begin to look for answers
2. We search for a new way of living
3. We look at ourselves – our minds and our hearts
4. We see a new world of refined consciousness
5. We feel free of attachments
6. We feel a ‘oneness’ of being
7. We experience undisturbed happiness and freedom.
This book is perfect for both the beginner and the adept inquirer.