Wise Little One: Learning to Love and Listen to My Inner Child by Jana Wilson

Wise Little One

Publisher: 2023

In "Wise Little One: Learning to Love and Listen to My Inner Child," Jana Wilson takes us on a deeply personal journey of triumph over childhood trauma and the transformative power of connecting with one's inner child. This gripping memoir is a testament to the strength of the human spirit and the extraordinary capacity for healing through self-discovery and taking self-responsibility.

In her candid and evocative storytelling, Jana invites readers into the recesses of her heart, sharing her darkest moments and shining light on her triumphant victories. She reflects on the impact of her traumatic past, unraveling the intricate web of emotions that held her back from experiencing true joy and fulfillment. With vulnerability and courage, she reveals the profound healing that occurred when she finally learned to embrace her inner child and acknowledge her pain.


"Wise Little One" is a guidebook for anyone who seeks to rediscover their authentic self. Jana's heartfelt anecdotes and practical advice offer invaluable tools for self-reflection, self-care, and cultivating a loving relationship with yourself. Through her own journey, she shows us how to harness the power of self-compassion, forgiveness, and resilience to overcome and learn from the past to manifest an inspiring future.