Is there transformative power in the space between crisis and action? In liminal space, we can interpret, question, examine, dream, and imagine possibilities for new creativity that is so necessary right now to move on from old problems, beliefs, and myths of the assumptions we have been living in. This liminal space is our moment of choice, and it is our responsibility and our privilege to question assumptions, heal the wounds that no longer serve us, discover our planetary assignment, show up in our most authentic genius-self, and operate in enlightened self-interest where my service to you benefits me and all of humanity.  It’s time for an evolutionary shift, and it’s a good thing we are in one right now. The space in-between is the demarcation place of that paradigm shift. It occurs after the separation of what was and before what is and can determine what will be. Each of those stories line up as building blocks of practices that result in a unique philosophy and a practical guide to live as a Spiritual Activist to midwife the unknown place that is calling us.  

The Liminal Odyssey

The Alchemical Power of The Spaces In-Between

Book Cover: The Liminal Odyssey

Is there transformative power in the space between crisis and action? In liminal space, we can interpret, question, examine, dream, and imagine possibilities for new creativity that is so necessary right now to move on from old problems, beliefs, and myths of the assumptions we have been living in.

This liminal space is our moment of choice, and it is our responsibility and our privilege to question assumptions, heal the wounds that no longer serve us, discover our planetary assignment, show up in our most authentic genius-self, and operate in enlightened self-interest where my service to you benefits me and all of humanity.  It’s time for an evolutionary shift, and it’s a good thing we are in one right now. The space in-between is the demarcation place of that paradigm shift. It occurs after the separation of what was and before what is and can determine what will be. Each of those stories line up as building blocks of practices that result in a unique philosophy and a practical guide to live as a Spiritual Activist to midwife the unknown place that is calling us.


Publisher: 2022