UK Business Book Awards Shortlist for Best Business Book on Leadership 2022 Everyone is capable of accomplishing extraordinary things. If you share this belief, then this book was written for you. In business and in life, handing over the reins to others is inevitable. Everyone will eventually leave their team, retire from being the CEO, or see their kids leave home and lead their own lives. Leading from the Jumpseat enables us to embrace this inevitability. Leading from the Jumpseat is a metaphor for how we can choose to lead. It's about the journey we take so we can hand over control to others, who are then equipped to continue forward. Peter Docker, co-author of Find Your Why and formerly a founding Igniter at Simon Sinek Inc., delivers the message that leadership is about lifting people up and giving them the space they need so that, when the time is right, they can take the lead.

Leading From The Jumpseat

Book Cover: Leading From The Jumpseat

UK Business Book Awards Shortlist for Best Business Book on Leadership 2022
Everyone is capable of accomplishing extraordinary things. If you share this belief, then this book was written for you. In business and in life, handing over the reins to others is inevitable. Everyone will eventually leave their team, retire from being the CEO, or see their kids leave home and lead their own lives. Leading from the Jumpseat enables us to embrace this inevitability. Leading from the Jumpseat is a metaphor for how we can choose to lead. It's about the journey we take so we can hand over control to others, who are then equipped to continue forward.

Peter Docker, co-author of Find Your Why and formerly a founding Igniter at Simon Sinek Inc., delivers the message that leadership is about lifting people up and giving them the space they need so that, when the time is right, they can take the lead.

Publisher: 2022

Drawing on his 25-year career in the Royal Air Force, and over 14 years spent partnering with businesses around the world, Peter's goal is to inspire others to Lead from the Jumpseat.
Jumpseat Leadership is a way of interacting with people that will enhance performance in any given situation - during normal business, times of crisis, and life in general. Becoming a Jumpseat Leader takes practice and this book is your practical guide to handing over control.

* When something is important enough: Tapping into the power of drivers.
* The difference between a stand and a position, and why it matters.
* What Commitment looks like.
* Finding the signal amongst the noise.
* The role of Fear, Love and Courage.
* Hope over optimism, and the leader's role.


Humble Confidence
* When ego gets in our way - and the source of the antidote.
* How to be significant.
* Being yourself.
* Leading when we don't know the answer and empowering the collective genius.

* Nurturing a sense of belonging - and why that matters.
* Responsibility over accountability.
* When the pressure is on: response over reaction.
* Handing over control at scale.
* Four Red Lights Point - when to take back control